Monday, December 5, 2011

Sometimes I really hate the way my brain works

So last night I started a new book I got over the weekend. It's a science fiction, and I haven't read anything in that genre in a while. I was a little hesitent to read it, since I usually get bored with science fiction easily, either because the science part goes right over my head, or the fiction part is poorly written. To my great delight, I really liked it. Sure, the science was a little out there, and I still don't quite understand it all, but the prose is just beautiful, and I had a hard time putting it down. Reading it made me want to write science fiction again. And, as my long time readers know, that never turns out well.

I was thinking about it today, and I decided to go through my flashdrive to see what all science fiction I already have, thinking that maybe there was something I could work on. I delved through the handful I have, not really seeing anything of worth, until I read through a two page document I wrote a while ago about turning one of my longest running science fiction story ideas into a TV series. I though about it, and my brain, like the dumb, flighty thing it is, immediately switched gears. So then I wanted to write a science fiction TV series, which is completely different from writing science fiction novels.

As I was thinking about it, I realized how futile the idea was, and so I discarded it, leaving me with nothing left.


I really wish I could just write full time, and not have to worry about going to class or doing homework or studying or anything like that. Then maybe I could be a productive writer, instead of someone who quits their NaNoWriMo at 25k...


Rozy Lass said...

Okay, pity party over. . .remember your goal to work hard for six years, be frugal, saving your money so you don't have to work for six years and can write full-time and get published. Stop torturing yourself. Have fun with Korean! Go to Korea, live the language, culture, music and TV. Don't wish your life away (I always did that and missed opportunities 'cause I was always living in the future.) LIVE TODAY!

K La said...

What was the series? I want to read it!