Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gah... I would rather be home right now.

I have 63 hours left until I get to see my mom. Yes, I'm counting down the hours now. Right now I'm writing this post when I should be working extra hard on my culture paper, which is due on Thursday, but which I have to email to my partner tonight. I would have finished it yesterday, when I had very little homework, except I had to sit through a 2 hour briefing, then try to get leave stuff taken care of so I can actually go home. So I have to do it tonight, when I have almost twice the amount of homework. This is waht I get for procrastinating until the last minute.

In other news, it's definitely starting to feel like Christmas. I have two Christmas albums playing when I have time to listen (Michael Buble and SMTown), I have a little Christmas tree on my desk, all my Christmas shopping is done, and I've even recieved a present already. My first Christmas card too! It was so much fun!

1 comment:

Rozy Lass said...

I want you to be home too. Again!