Saturday, December 31, 2011

Now that is Epic

If anyone hasn't noticed, there's a page over there to the right that I have updated on a regular basis with a new K-Pop music video. It updates every Monday, and I really hope you are all watching it, and seeing all the awesome music videos I find.

Anyway, I was planning on using this one as this coming Monday's video, but I realized that it's not actually a music video, it's just the teaser for one. And it's just too cool to not share, so here it is.

Yes, this is a teaser for a music video (which is about 4 minutes shorter). It is an incredibly symbolic story. The theory floating around among the netizens is that the story is about true love and how hard it is to build back up once it's been broken. That's just a theory, though, and you certainly don't have to subscribe to it. I personally think it's just an awesome sci fi story about and man and his robot.

The video is quite beautifully made, and has a nice and slow, steady pace. It is one of the few music videos that plant story seeds in my head, and I really want to see this one written, because I don't usually get a science fiction seed planted.

Once you've watched this teaser, you should all watch the actual music video, by a group called LEDApple (pronounced Lead, as in lead pencil). The group isn't a boyband, and in fact, it's not even K-Pop. It's K-Rock, and I'm excited to have finally found something like this. There are very few actual bands that I've been able to find. Anyway, here's the music video.

As you can see, the music video is made up of shots from the teaser, as well as shots of the group playing their sci fi-looking instruments. I love it. ^-^ When you are done watching, you should totally go find their other music videos, because they are all awesome.


Rozy Lass said...

Truly epic, thanks for sharing. And do you know what? We forgot to teach me how to put buttons and videos on my blog. Get back here this minute and teach me!!!

Rabbit said...

You know what we also forgot? We forgot to visit the Dahls.