For the last couple of months my creative juices have been just about non-existent. I didn't write hardly anything, and I even had trouble reading. Meaning I didn't read. I was in a creative slump, and it was really bad. The worst I've ever had, actually. I felt a little depressed. I wanted to read, but nothing interested me. I wanted to write, but I couldn't find the right thing to work on. So when I had a quick story idea that I wanted to write down, I didn't expect very much to come out of it.
I started typing up a basic plot at around 6 yesterday evening, and a strange thing started happening. Well, not really strange, more like a familiar thing that I hadn't experienced in a long time. My brain became flooded with ideas, and I kept working on the plot until dad peeked in my room at close to midnight. I hadn't even noticed that time was passing, I was having so much fun working on this plot. After dad left again I kept working on it, determined to make use of this outpouring of creative-ness, and I finished plotting the story at around 1am. Then I looked at how much I had written.
With a few breaks for eating and using the restroom, I wrote a ten page, 83 bullet-point, 32 chapter, just shy of 6k plot. I do believe it's the longest plot I have ever written, and certainly the most detailed.
Now I just have 24 days to get this story written. It's going to be hard, but this story has figuratively lit a fire under me and I'm actually excited to be writing again.
Let's everyone give a round of applause to U-KISS for inspiring me to write again.
1 comment:
Why haven't you shared it with me yet? Love, MOM (oh-MAH)
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