Sunday, April 17, 2011

2 year olds are pure chaos. Just in case you didn't already know that.

So, as I have said before, I'm the nursery leader in my small ward/branch. On a usual Sunday I have one little two and a half year old girl named Sophie. She is very cute, polite, says please, thank you, and you're welcome, and loves playing with the toys and reading books. She's lots of fun to have in nursery every Sunday.

Occasionally I'll get a little boy, barely two, named Derek. He had copper colored hair, can't talk yet, and has just barely started being able to play in nursery without his dad having to stay.

Today, however, I had five (count them, FIVE) two and three year old kids. Chaos is one of the words I would use. Headache-inducing is another, as is exhausting. I was glad to have so many kids come in, but I'm also glad that I only have three more Sundays as nursery leader.

There was Sophie and Derek, as well as one three year old boy named Matthew whose dad just got baptized, another three year old boy named Evan who was visiting with Matthew, and a little girl, probably barely two, named Alexis whose parents are investigators. I'd had Matthew before a couple of times, and I'm still not very fond of taking care of him. Normally, as a three year old, he would be in the sunbeam class in Primary, but the Primary president always sticks him with me because he doesn't know how to act in Primary and she doesn't know how to control kids. Matthew likes getting EVERY SINGLE TOY out of the cupboard, and always refuses to put them back.

The little girl, Alexis, was adorable. She was cute and polite, though she really liked dumping things out of buckets. She didn't cry at all when her parents left her with me, which was a good thing. I don't think I would have been able to handle five kids if one was crying, because then Derek would have started crying, and two year olds are too big for me to hold two at a time.

Anyway, we had fun, I taught a quick little lesson about how God created the Earth and the animals for us, everyone got to color, and everyone got a graham cracker. I didn't have any really big problems with the kids, which was a blessing.

At the same time though, since I was running around the nursery room like a chicken with it's head cut off, I got hot really fast. But I couldn't take my sweater off because I only had a tank top underneath, and the woman who worked in the library kept turning the heat up. Then, halfway through the second hour, I started getting spots in my vision and a headache immediately followed.

In conclusion, I hope my last three Sundays are a lot calmer than today was.


Balgram said...

Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear about the heat, but that sounds like crazy fun chaos.

I like little kids but I can't handle them when people are watching me. I have this deep seated knowledge that I'm doing it wrong.

Rabbit said...

I am exactly the same way. I love playing with the kids, but I hate it when the parents stay and just watch. I feel like they're waiting for me to mess up.

K La said...

There are 16 kids in my nursery. By the end of the year there should be 34. They only have one nursery leader called. Needless to say, I will never leave my daughter alone in the mess.

Hey! I know! You should skip BT and come be a nursery leader in MY ward!!! Then we could run together in the mornings too!