Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today the family got something very special in the mail.

In 2006 my grandpa self-published the first volume of his autobiography, which he had been working on. It covered his birth until his return from his mission. Everyone got a copy; his children, grandchildren, and I think even some of the older great grandchild. I have copy number 35. It's a large, beautiful book full of black and white pictures, and it's so wonderful to have.

Today the family received volume two. I hadn't even known that he'd finished it, so it was a pleasant surprise. This volume covers everything from after his mission until today. (Well, February, 2011, which was when it was finished) Once again, everyone was given a copy. This time I have copy number 128. I am so very happy to have this, and so grateful that I have a record of my grandpa's life. I love my maternal grandparents so much.

Holding and reading Grandpa's autobiography makes me want to record my own life better, so that some day, when I have children and grandchildren, I can leave a similar record for them.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Perfect Date

I've been thinking about this a little bit lately, just sort of imagining different kinds of dates that I think I would have fun on, and I've come to the conclusion that the following is the perfect date (for me, anyway). Spending the day at an amusement park, riding roller-coasters and talking. Because there's tons of time to just talk while at an amusement park. While you are in line, while you are walking towards the next one, while you are eating, etc. My date and I would hold hands, we'd scream while riding all the scary roller-coasters (good kind of scary), he'd show of his expert skills and win a stuffed animal for me at one of the games, we'd stop at one of the shops and buy something matching that we can wear for the day, and we'd eat a delicious homemade lunch/dinner. We'd talk about everything from favorite books and movies to our personal life goals, and by the end of the day we'd each be looking forward to the next date.

Since I've never been on a date that I actually enjoyed myself and liked my date, I can't say whether or not this is a cheesy or naive idea for the perfect date.

What's your idea of a perfect date, and have you been on a perfect date?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Basic Training

So I'm leaving in 23 days. Wow how time flies. Wasn't it just yesterday I still had over a hundred days? Where does time go? At the same time, time isn't going quite fast enough for me. May 16th needs to be here already. That's the day I have to check into the hotel because I'll be processing through MEPS at 5 in the morning. (blah.)

Anyway, if you want to get a copy of the letters I will be sending home send me your email address. I'm putting together an email list for my mom so that she can keep everyone updated. Also send me your email address if you want to have my basic training snail mail address so that you can write to me. The more letters of encouragement I get, the better!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Well, that was a surprise

For the last couple of months my creative juices have been just about non-existent. I didn't write hardly anything, and I even had trouble reading. Meaning I didn't read. I was in a creative slump, and it was really bad. The worst I've ever had, actually. I felt a little depressed. I wanted to read, but nothing interested me. I wanted to write, but I couldn't find the right thing to work on. So when I had a quick story idea that I wanted to write down, I didn't expect very much to come out of it.

I started typing up a basic plot at around 6 yesterday evening, and a strange thing started happening. Well, not really strange, more like a familiar thing that I hadn't experienced in a long time. My brain became flooded with ideas, and I kept working on the plot until dad peeked in my room at close to midnight. I hadn't even noticed that time was passing, I was having so much fun working on this plot. After dad left again I kept working on it, determined to make use of this outpouring of creative-ness, and I finished plotting the story at around 1am. Then I looked at how much I had written.

With a few breaks for eating and using the restroom, I wrote a ten page, 83 bullet-point, 32 chapter, just shy of 6k plot. I do believe it's the longest plot I have ever written, and certainly the most detailed.

Now I just have 24 days to get this story written. It's going to be hard, but this story has figuratively lit a fire under me and I'm actually excited to be writing again.

Let's everyone give a round of applause to U-KISS for inspiring me to write again.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I am quickly becoming a virus remover pro. Not something I ever wanted to be, but I guess it has it's benefits. I have now removed my sixth virus from my computer. Just so you know, not having internet protection on your computer at all, is a really bad idea.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

2 year olds are pure chaos. Just in case you didn't already know that.

So, as I have said before, I'm the nursery leader in my small ward/branch. On a usual Sunday I have one little two and a half year old girl named Sophie. She is very cute, polite, says please, thank you, and you're welcome, and loves playing with the toys and reading books. She's lots of fun to have in nursery every Sunday.

Occasionally I'll get a little boy, barely two, named Derek. He had copper colored hair, can't talk yet, and has just barely started being able to play in nursery without his dad having to stay.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

This is why I love K-Pop

I dare you to watch this without smiling.

Have you ever seen an American music video as adorable as this was? If you have, I'd like to see it too, because I haven't been able to find any.

I hope you enjoyed the video. If you know me well, you can probably guess how I acted while watching this for the first time.

The scare part is this was by Super Junior, the 13 member boyband, and I accidentally learned all the members names and faces. They aren't all in the video because one left the group, one is in the military, and one is focusing on his acting career. Then there are the two who sang but didn't dance in the video, one because he was filming a TV show at the time, and the other because he had surgery on his ear.

Isn't is scary that I know all that?

I forgot that I don't know anyone who speaks Korean. In the video they are singing about how much they appreciate the love that their girl gives them, and how much they love her back. I only understand a handful of the words they use, but I'm the kind of girl who looks up the lyrics. The song is called No Other, by Super Junior.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Missing Home

Yesterday and today the family has listened to LDS General Conference. It has been a wonderful experience, for the most part, but is has been accompanied by a unexpected feeling. I never thought I would say this, but I miss Utah. I hated the weather and the lack of concrete seasons, but I really miss living in Utah. I miss the mountains, I miss Temple Square, I miss riding the train, I miss friends and family, and I especially miss being able to go to places without having to spend 30-90 minutes driving just to get there.

This morning during President Monson's talk, when he mentioned the temple across from the Conference Center I felt an overwhelming desire to visit Temple Square, to walk in the fresh air and see the beautiful flowers and buildings, hear the birds and people talk, and just listen to the world around me. Unfortunately, I can't. And I probably won't get to until the middle of 2012, either. Sigh. Oh, well.

As a side note, it is eighty degrees here. It is gorgeous. I love spring.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Advanced warning for sensitive readers: This post has shameless advertising for a loved one.

Notice: For the readers who are interested in learning from a homemaker/seamstress/cook of [number censored because it makes her feel old], I recommend the fairly recently established blog, PFCMom (it's over in my blog list). This is the blog my mom decided to start in her effort to motivate herself to lose weight. Not only does she talk about her efforts to lose the pounds she has gained over the years, but she also talks about healthy eating, cooking, sewing, [insert homemaking skill], etc. If you are interested in these kinds of things, PFCMom is the place to be!

End shameless advertising.