Sunday, November 6, 2011

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how it is done

So, I'm sorry, I never got around to finishing the story. I have a good reason for not finishing the story, though. I've been working on my NaNoWriMo novel and finishing up homework. So, I can say I am right on schedule.

In fact, I can also say that I now have the fabulous ability to write over 1,000 words in half an hour, consistently. And I can say I wrote 8,251 words today. I have never ever written so many words before, and I am simply ecstatic. This means that I can actually do it. I can actually finish this novel if I put my mind to it. I just need 4 1/2 hours every day on the weekends, during which time I will write about 8k, and I'll be golden. I'm so excited.

And the fact that I've had to push my way through some pretty boring parts of my novel has not slowed me down one iota. Yeah!

Also, word wars, either with a person or just by yourself, is the best way to do it. 10, 20, or 30 minutes all work magic on your word count.

So, wish me continued luck over the next coming weeks, and I think I can actually finish the entire novel this month while still staying on top of my class.


Rozy Lass said...

So finish the story already! Don't leave me hanging.
Saranghae, Eomma!

P.S. I'm impressed with your writing ability, but you are a year older and wiser.

K La said...

That is amazing. My toddler takes a one hour and I can't fill my 2,000 word quota in that time. I can usually get a bit more than 1,000 words in, though, so I'm only twice as slow as you. ;)