Sunday, November 27, 2011

200 Days

Today I was watching a new episode of a great Korean drama entitled Dream High. It's been really good so far, and I'm sure it will only get better. In the episode I watched today (yes, I managed to watch only one episode) several characters make commitments to change and become better. And in 200 days, they do change and become better. One character looses 30kg, and the other two become amazing dancers. As I was watching all of this, I realized that if the one girl could loose that much weight in 200 days because she put her mind to it, then I can do the same. Of course, I won't be loosing 30kg, which equals about 66 pounds (my jaw dropped when I saw this number), but I will be doing something as important to me as loosing that weight was to her.

So, starting December 1st, I will spend 200 days working extra hard on my Korean, with the goal of getting a 4.0 on my July speaking test. This means I'm going to be restructuring my life a little, but I'm going to do it. In 200 days I'm going to be really good at speaking Korean.

Wish me luck!


Katy Marie said...

You can do it! Seriously though, I'm continually amazed at everything you accomplish. Good luck girl!

Rozy Lass said...

I'm your biggest fan! You go girl.
Saranghae, Eomma!!!!!

Balgram said...

That sounds amazing...good luck! You can do it!

Rabbit said...

Aw, thanks everyone! You all are the best readers a blogger could have!