Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Watch me melt

Yesterday was ridiculous. And by that I mean 'Holy Hannah, it's the beginning of May and already it's 101 degrees outside. I think I'll go melt now.' That kind of ridiculous. It was fine in my room with my fan on at high speed, but when I went upstairs where there are no fans and no A/C, it felt like I was melting. Compared to the downstairs, the upstairs is about ten degrees hotter. So three quarters of the way up the stairs the heat sucked away all my energy. It would have been comical, if it wasn't so stop-your-brain hot.

So we had two days of beautiful spring, then went straight on to summer. Just like Utah. Will I never escape the heat?

Note: It cooled way off today, though. It's been raining and it hasn't gotten hotter than 71 degrees. So yesterday was just a fluke. Thank goodness.

Unfortunately, most of my summer will be like yesterday, since I'm going to be in Texas. Sad face.

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