Wednesday, January 12, 2011


A while back I was on youtube looking for some music that, when you heard it, made you think of magic. I stumbled upon a video called Magic Music, and I have to listen to it. It was by a—band? group?—called Animusic, and it was amazing. There was an animated—the good animation, not the bad kind—set of instruments, and using balls hitting the instruments, they created music.
So of course, I had to see more of their stuff. I looked up Animusic, and got a whole bunch. Not all of them were amazing, but all of them were really good. Here’s my favorite:
And another favorite:
I hope you all like these as much as I do.


Lydia said...

If you like virtual music, you have GOT to check this out! (well I guess technically it's not all that virtual... well, you'll see what I mean :)

Lydia said...

oh, and this too

Rabbit said...

I have actually seen that first one. Truly stunning. The second, I hadn't seen. Wow, that song is really beautiful.
