Thursday, January 6, 2011

Writing Group—I’m dying for one

Two posts in one day. What is this world coming to?
Back in 2009 I was part of a writing group. There was just four of us, including my best friend’s older brother, who became a good friend, his former missionary companion, who also became a good friend, and another young man who I didn’t know very well. We met every week at the University with good and bad things to say about each others writing. We were all required to write 4k a week—fairly easy—and read the other works submitted before the meetings. It was loads of fun, and I learned a lot about writing, being a writer, and being the friend of writers.
Then I moved away so I could no longer be a part of the group. At first I didn’t think I would miss it too much. I was still writing, I was still talking with said friends, what was there to miss? Boy, was I wrong.
Let me just say I love having people read my writing and tell me what is wrong with it so I can fix it. Mostly I just like people reading my stuff and telling me what they like about it. It makes me feel good, and reaffirms my whole life as a writer. Without a writing group, I just don’t have that. My parents—who I love dearly—don’t like reading what I love writing, and none of my brothers read or are old enough to be of any help.
I tried joining the big websites out there like Absolute Write and Protagonize, but I didn’t like it. I like small groups, where everyone knows everyone, and everyone reads and comments on everything. Meaning no more than ten people, and even that is pushing it.
This has left me with a problem.
If I felt people would join and stay active, I would create my own writing group website. But I’m really wary about that. I’ve created a lot of websites in the past—I had a phase where I created a new website about every other week—and none of them have lasted more than a couple of weeks. If I’m going to be a part of a writing group, I want it to last a long time. I want to still be a part of that group when I’m published. I want to have people to thank on the acknowledgement page, but as of right now, I don’t.
For the readers of this blog that write and want to someday be published, I have a question for you. If I created a small website for an online writing group, would you join? Would you be active? And please be honest, because I really, desperately need a writing group.


K La said...

My husband was the president of a writing group at his University. One year the members became very close, but then they all graduated and moved away. This year they decided to start the writing group back up and they let me join! Since we are all in different states and one of us is in a different country, we do it online; through Skype. We pick a time (adjusted to time zones) and all of us log onto Skype. There is no website and we still get to chat, joke and have fun!!

And yes, I would join your group

Rabbit said...

Thanks, K, you've always been a great friend.

And that sounds like an awesome way to have a writing group.