Thursday, October 14, 2010

Quick Note

So, in my working towards enlisting in the Air Force, I went and took the ASVAB today. For those who don't know what that is, it stands for Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery, and it is pretty much the entrance exam for the military. If you don't get a certain score--and each branch has a different requirement--you don't get in.

The Air Force has the highest score requirement of 65. When I took the practice test three weeks ago at the recruiters, I got a 50, mainly because my math was so bad. So I've spent the last three weeks working on my math, and took the test today.

I GOT AN 88. 'Nuff said.


Lydia said...

GOOD JOB!!! You go!
Way to beat that math into submission :)

Rabbit said...

Thanks Lydia!