I never lack for ideas for writing. At least twice a day I'll be struck by a brilliant idea, but since I'm usually working on something, I'll write the idea down and sticking with my ever-growing stack of ideas. In fact, if I stacked up all my ideas that I haven't been able to do anything with, it would probably be in danger of toppling over.
The problem is I have trouble finishing a project. While I have two novels, neither of them are finished, and both have been through five or more drafts. I get bored/sick of stories after working on them for a couple of months straight. This really puts a damper on my work. I can't get published if I can't finish anything.
Thankfully, I had an epiphany early last week that will solve all my problems. I hope. You see, I can't seem to write anything longer than 50k, so why not just write 50k novels? There aren't enough of them on the bookshelves anyway, and smaller books would be able to sell for a little bit cheaper and would take less time to read, allowing the people who want to read but don't have the time/money to actually read.
And I actually like this idea. If I pushed myself I'd be able to have write and edit a novel start to finish in one-two months, getting it done before I got bored, and the quicker I can finish a novel the quicker I can start on another idea.
And maybe, as I get better at putting stories together I'll get better at writing longer and longer novels, until I can write a full length novel without any problems.
What do you think? Would you purchase a short--meaning 40k-50k, or less than 200 pages-- novel?
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