Sunday, April 25, 2010

This is where everyone thinks I'm insane

In honor of the great Kateness, I'm come up with a solid plan for having four novels written by the end of July, and six done by the end of November. You are all allowed to think I'm crazy; even I think I'm crazy. But I'm going to do it. Here's how.

Starting today (as soon as I stop procrastinating) I'm going to write 2k a day. Granted, that is barely a fraction of what Kateness writes every day for NaNoWriMo, but the goal is to work my way up slowly, so that I don't end up killing myself. By the time July and JulNoWriMo comes around, I plan on being able to pound out 7k a day. Again, not very much compared to Kateness, but that's what I can foresee myself being able to do. Anything more, and I'll just drown.

Now, the goal is to finish the next three short stories in my Monstrum Venator series (roughly 20k), write books one and two of my Reality Repair series (100k each), write a medium length fantasy, what exactly I haven't decided yet (75k rounded up), then for JulNoWriMo write two out of four of the novels in my new fantasy series (100k each). Then finish up the last two out of four during NaNoWriMo (100k each)

This is all theoretically possible if I can work my way up to 7k a day.

Now, this really shouldn't be too much of a problem. I can generally get more than 4k in a day, but not consistently. The real goal here is consistency. The only thing I'm really worried about is being able to stick to one project long enough to finish it. I've only managed to pull that off once (more if you count the short stories in MV)

Now, I'm pretty sure there is no way I will ever be able to truly emulate Kateness; I just don't have the disciple to write a million words in thirty days. But I am going to progress enough that I can produce enough to publish frequently. And publishing frequently=more money=not needing a day job=more time to actually write. Which is the ultimate goal. (Aside from marriage and family, of course.)

So wish me luck on this insane journey!


K La said...

good luck!

Katy Marie said...

Hey girl! I found your blog! I hope things are going well in Iowa. You are such a fabulous writer!

-Katy Seely