Sunday, August 24, 2008

Why I hate College, among other things

The biggest reason I hate college is the homework. In my opinion, which I think many people don't agree with, having a ton of homework in any class means the teacher doesn't know how to teach so that the students learn and has to resort to giving the students homework so that they can learn on their own time. I mean really.

My first semester of college, I had three classes. Nanotech (don't ask), World Religions, and Psychology. Nanotech, and World Religions, I didn' t learn hardly anything in the actual classroom, and the teachers gave out a LOT of homework. Now, Psych, since it was a one-day-a-week-for-three-hours, I was expecting to be bored out of my mind and not be able to remember everything for the tests. But, the teacher had a system where she had an over head of what we were going to talk about that day, then she explained everything in easy-to-take-notes format. We had three tests and one paper in that class and I learned SO much more in that class than in the other classes. (True, I dropped out of the other two, but still)

I know that's not much experience to go on, but that is why. It could be I just liked the subject of Psychology, or it could be the teacher really knew how to teach. I don't know how the other students faired in that class, but I got an A. (It was a low A because my paper was late, but still...)

Anyway, enough about what I hate.

I think I'm going to make a record: I went and saw Prince Caspian twice again this Saturday. Wheeeeee! And I might do it again next weekend! *Squeals*

Plus, I bought all the music that goes along with the label Chronicles of Narnia. Music from the first and second, and music inspired from the first. It's all so good!

And I've got a new story that I'm working on that I have really high hopes for. It's really good. I think I'm going to put it on my website, but stay tuned. I'm only to page 10 so far, and want to be a bit farther and more into the actual plot before I start showing it off.

I start Institute tomorrow. For the next while I'm going to be getting up at 5:45 every morning to get to class. And a friend of mine is going to be taking one of the two with me, so I have no excuse for not going. But I will have Fridays to sleep in. But that's it...

I now no longer work Monday evenings. The companies we make calls for has decided that we're not going to call on Family Home Evening any more. So I get off work at 6 on Monday instead of 9:30. I love it! That means I can do things then! Yeah! Possible date night!

My plans for moving out of my parents house has begun to more forward, I have 1/21 of my goal of $4200 before June. Every paycheck, I have decided, I'm going to save $200 towards my goal, that way I can get an inexpensive unfurnished apartment and have money to buy furnishings. Anyway, when I move out I won't be paying for a car anymore, so it will be easier.

I'm so excited! I can't wait! I have wanted my own place for ever and I'm so close now!

I think thats all for now.


1 comment:

Balgram said...

That's really cool, yo! I'm excited by your goal, and totally freaked out by your obsession with Caspian. I guess it was a good movie, I just didn't see it with a good crowd so my desired to see it again is not high.

The moving out and free night are both AWESOME. You are doing better than I am right now (just kidding, my life rocks hardcore).

As for the college thing, it's because college expects you to learn on your own and use the teacher as a reference, rather than high school where the teacher is the end-all say-all.
Endless homework can be avoided, but not everything can be taught in the classroom.

Still, in the newer classes they are just weeding out people for various majors. Later classes are ten-times more what you are looking for.

Personal opinions aside, do whatever the krashin you want. Sounds like life is working well for ya. :)