Sunday, August 10, 2008

Part Two: River Trip Pictures

Two of my friends who were leaders with me, Angel, in the back, and Melissa, in the pink.

Centerstage, Zac. Very cute guy, nice too. Strong too.

Standing up, Sam, my raft's guide. You can't really see him that good in this picture...
Zac and another cute boy named Marcus are bottom center. Both are YSA's as well, and both are getting ready for missions.

Another picture of Sam, again, I hate that it's so bad...

Zac and Marcus watching while two guides, Sam and Mike, wrestle aboard a flipped raft. Part of the party barge activities. Sam won.

This picture, you can't really see it, but it's of one of the boats on the trip playing a game where everyone tried running around the edge of the raft and the last person still standing and not in the water wins.

There are some old ruins you can see on the hill. I don't know what they are, but they are cool.

A little bit of rapids and a pretty view of clouds above the mountains.

More pretty mountains and BEAUTIFUL sky.

Some canyon that looked cool

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