Sunday, November 27, 2011

200 Days

Today I was watching a new episode of a great Korean drama entitled Dream High. It's been really good so far, and I'm sure it will only get better. In the episode I watched today (yes, I managed to watch only one episode) several characters make commitments to change and become better. And in 200 days, they do change and become better. One character looses 30kg, and the other two become amazing dancers. As I was watching all of this, I realized that if the one girl could loose that much weight in 200 days because she put her mind to it, then I can do the same. Of course, I won't be loosing 30kg, which equals about 66 pounds (my jaw dropped when I saw this number), but I will be doing something as important to me as loosing that weight was to her.

So, starting December 1st, I will spend 200 days working extra hard on my Korean, with the goal of getting a 4.0 on my July speaking test. This means I'm going to be restructuring my life a little, but I'm going to do it. In 200 days I'm going to be really good at speaking Korean.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

That's it, I quit

I am very disappointed in myself, but I won't be finishing NaNoWriMo this year. I reached 22k on the one story I was working on, and while taking a break, I took a hard look at the story and realized it was unpublishable. And as much as I loved writing about the characters, I really got tired of the story. The plot is three million pages long, and I've only gotten through the first half of the first page. It is very depressing. And I really don't want to write something that isn't publishable, because my goal is to publish someday. So everything I write shold be working towards that.

So anyway, I've stopped this year. There is no way for me to catch up this late in the game, without sacrificing the rest of my social life, and I can't get through class without that. So, for the first time since 2007, I won't be finishing NaNoWriMo.

I feel especially horrible about this, because I told Chris Baty himself, when I went and met him two weeks ago, that I was going to finish. Alas, it is not in the cards.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Headline! K-Pop Conversion Army Spotted. All Women Urged to Seek Shelter.

So, I decided yesterday to convert my best friend to the K-Pop cult, since I want to have someone to talk with about it. And after having a blast writing the... document that went with the playlist I created for her, I decided it was too much fun to not share with everyone. So, the following is the seven page document, 2 1/2 hour adventure for your enjoyment. Have fun laughing and becoming converted. Be sure to spread the love.

Note: This is tailored for Balgram, so it had Japanese in it. Just so you are aware.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

We regret to inform you

This blog has been claimed by the might Zoot Suit Defense Force.

Zoot Suits

Obtain your own zoot suit and join the parade as quickly as possible. Thank you.

PS Noble you may want to remove me as an author to your blog.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how it is done

So, I'm sorry, I never got around to finishing the story. I have a good reason for not finishing the story, though. I've been working on my NaNoWriMo novel and finishing up homework. So, I can say I am right on schedule.

In fact, I can also say that I now have the fabulous ability to write over 1,000 words in half an hour, consistently. And I can say I wrote 8,251 words today. I have never ever written so many words before, and I am simply ecstatic. This means that I can actually do it. I can actually finish this novel if I put my mind to it. I just need 4 1/2 hours every day on the weekends, during which time I will write about 8k, and I'll be golden. I'm so excited.

And the fact that I've had to push my way through some pretty boring parts of my novel has not slowed me down one iota. Yeah!

Also, word wars, either with a person or just by yourself, is the best way to do it. 10, 20, or 30 minutes all work magic on your word count.

So, wish me continued luck over the next coming weeks, and I think I can actually finish the entire novel this month while still staying on top of my class.

And now I know

Today has been an adventure of sorts. I've spent WAY too much time off post when I should have been writing, I've spent way too much money when I should have been saving it, and I laughed so hard my chest started hurting. The day was divided into two parts, so I'm going to tell it to you in two parts. And this might all come out funnily, because I'm in a weird mood right now.

Part One, trying to make it to Target.

I had planned on going to Target in the morning with a friend of mine. She had wanted to leave at 8, but after accidentally staying up until 1:30 the night before, my body wasn't willing to get up before 9. So I got up at nine and headed off to wait at the bus stop with her. We just barely missed the bus by two minutes, so we had a while to wait for the next one. While we waited we were met up by some more friends, who will here by be called Guy, Wamp, and Vog (not their real names). Anyway, Guy stopped by first, and we talked for a while. He's a really good friend of mine, and he's been having some problems lately that I really hope he gets through. He talked about the night he had on Friday, and I listened intently. Because that's what I do, I listen to people.

Then, we were joined by Wamp and Vog, who said they were also going to Target, but that they didn't know where it was. Since my friend and I were going in that direction anyway, I invited them to come along with us. They said they would, if we went to Denny's with them first. I was kind of hungry, so I said yes, and went to Denny's for the first time in years. I had some amazing banana pecan pancakes, and enjoyed listening to everyone's funny conversations.

Then we headed back to the bus stop and once again, just barely missed the bus. So my friend and I went to a used book store that was nearby that I'd been wanting to go to for a long time, and I got two books that I've been meaning to read. Then we went back and waited for the next bus, until we realized too late that we were waiting on the wrong side. So we missed the bus again.

We finally made it to Target, did our shopping, then headed back to post. All of this took way too much time, and too much money, but it was fun to spend time with my friends.

Part Two, and then I sang Karaoke.

I will tell you about this tomorrow. Right now, I'm way too tired to even think anymore. But you have a teaser there for you.

Friday, November 4, 2011

It's November again

It's November again, and everyone should know what that means. That means I sell my soul and put myself through the fire to write a novel in 30 days. Of course, this year is going to be a little different, obviously, so it's going to be a little bit difficult this time around. Here's what I'm hoping is going to happen.

Obviously I can't write during the week, or else sacrifice my job in the Air Force, and I'm not willing to do that. My job is what's going to pay for my writing for the next six years. So, I'll be writing on the weekends. Which means I have to write a minimum of 4,550 words on Saturdays and Sundays, plus the extra days I'll have during the 2 four day weekends we have this month. But since I discovered I can write about 600 words in half an hour, I decided to try to write 20k this weekend alone. That way I have a decent cusion just in case I'm having too much fun next weekend to write anything.

Oh, I'm going to on a trip next weekend with a friend. I'm so excited!

Anyway, we'll see how this all works out. I'm pretty confident that I can do it just fine if I push myself, but that's the thing. I've never been very good at pushing myself. Hopefully the three months I've spent here pay off.

Unfortunately, Artemis won't be visiting this year, and probably not next year either. I'm just too busy with schoolwork and trying to write this novel to have an extra something to do. A lot of people already think I'm crazy.

So, I'm off to write 20k this weekend and between 50k-120k this month. Wish me luck!