The biggest reason I hate college is the homework. In my opinion, which I think many people don't agree with, having a ton of homework in any class means the teacher doesn't know how to teach so that the students learn and has to resort to giving the students homework so that they can learn on their own time. I mean really.
My first semester of college, I had three classes. Nanotech (don't ask), World Religions, and Psychology. Nanotech, and World Religions, I didn' t learn hardly anything in the actual classroom, and the teachers gave out a LOT of homework. Now, Psych, since it was a one-day-a-week-for-three-hours, I was expecting to be bored out of my mind and not be able to remember everything for the tests. But, the teacher had a system where she had an over head of what we were going to talk about that day, then she explained everything in easy-to-take-notes format. We had three tests and one paper in that class and I learned SO much more in that class than in the other classes. (True, I dropped out of the other two, but still)
I know that's not much experience to go on, but that is why. It could be I just liked the subject of Psychology, or it could be the teacher really knew how to teach. I don't know how the other students faired in that class, but I got an A. (It was a low A because my paper was late, but still...)
Anyway, enough about what I hate.
I think I'm going to make a record: I went and saw Prince Caspian twice again this Saturday. Wheeeeee! And I might do it again next weekend! *Squeals*
Plus, I bought all the music that goes along with the label Chronicles of Narnia. Music from the first and second, and music inspired from the first. It's all so good!
And I've got a new story that I'm working on that I have really high hopes for. It's really good. I think I'm going to put it on my website, but stay tuned. I'm only to page 10 so far, and want to be a bit farther and more into the actual plot before I start showing it off.
I start Institute tomorrow. For the next while I'm going to be getting up at 5:45 every morning to get to class. And a friend of mine is going to be taking one of the two with me, so I have no excuse for not going. But I will have Fridays to sleep in. But that's it...
I now no longer work Monday evenings. The companies we make calls for has decided that we're not going to call on Family Home Evening any more. So I get off work at 6 on Monday instead of 9:30. I love it! That means I can do things then! Yeah! Possible date night!
My plans for moving out of my parents house has begun to more forward, I have 1/21 of my goal of $4200 before June. Every paycheck, I have decided, I'm going to save $200 towards my goal, that way I can get an inexpensive unfurnished apartment and have money to buy furnishings. Anyway, when I move out I won't be paying for a car anymore, so it will be easier.
I'm so excited! I can't wait! I have wanted my own place for ever and I'm so close now!
I think thats all for now.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
GAH! I don't know what I'm doing, and Prince Caspian
So, any and all of my plans have changed three times in the last week or so.
I planned to move south out of my parents house next summer: Then I changed to I plan to move out, but not south...
I planned to go to the new university south of where I live next fall: Then I changed to I plan to stick with the college here...
I planned to be a librarian, then an ASL interpreter, then a crime scene investigator, then a clothes designer, then a police officer...
*Big Sigh* I don't know what I want to do. I do want to move out, I just don't know where. I don't really want to go to college but I know I have to, to do any of the afore mentioned careers. But the only thing I REALLY want to do that probably won't make me very much money is write. All I want to do is write all day long. (well, and read and watch movies, but that's different)
Maybe if I get married it will solve all my problems. I won't have to have a career if I get married. Then I could write practically all day long, unless I marry someone who is still in school, then I'd have to work so that we could live and he could finish school... Anyway, the point is I wouldn't have to have a career meaning I wouldn't have to go to school. Wouldn't that be nice. Maybe this institute class... If I actually stick with it...
I'm rambling, sorry.
Last Saturday, I worked until 11am then went and saw Prince Caspian with my friend Cheez. *Halleluiah Chorus* I love that movie! Gasp! Warning, New Favorite! My friend will attest, I squealed practically throughout the entire thing.
If everyone will recall, the first one had two guys that I liked, the one more than the other: William Mosely and James McAvoy (Who is just a little too old for me)
Prince Caspian has THREE all of which I can squeal with joy over. William Mosely (Peter), Skander Keynes (Edmund, who grew up so NICE), and Ben Barnes (Caspian). EEK! Just thinking about them makes me giddy!
This is the best part. When I got home from watching it with my friend, I took my younger brothers to see it as well. I got to see it twice in one day!
And it might happen again this Saturday! WHEEE!
In other news, I'm taking two institute classes, one Monday and Wednesday from 7-7:50am, the other Tuesday and Thursday from 7-7:50am. Both the same class. The reason? I need an excuse to get up early EVERY day, and this was a good one. And since during the winter I will be riding the bus more than taking the car (Maybe, depends on how cold it is) then I needed it to be fairly early so that when I get back, I still have time to do my writing.
I am going to discipline myself and become better and (hopefully) meet someone in one of these classes who will want to go out with me since I have had no luck in my ward, stake, or work.
And don't ever watch the TV show Torchwood. The English are disgusting.
And I feel like it should be fall already. Mostly because I grew up starting school in September, not August.
I get paid tomorrow!
And I'm done rambling.
See you next time!
I planned to move south out of my parents house next summer: Then I changed to I plan to move out, but not south...
I planned to go to the new university south of where I live next fall: Then I changed to I plan to stick with the college here...
I planned to be a librarian, then an ASL interpreter, then a crime scene investigator, then a clothes designer, then a police officer...
*Big Sigh* I don't know what I want to do. I do want to move out, I just don't know where. I don't really want to go to college but I know I have to, to do any of the afore mentioned careers. But the only thing I REALLY want to do that probably won't make me very much money is write. All I want to do is write all day long. (well, and read and watch movies, but that's different)
Maybe if I get married it will solve all my problems. I won't have to have a career if I get married. Then I could write practically all day long, unless I marry someone who is still in school, then I'd have to work so that we could live and he could finish school... Anyway, the point is I wouldn't have to have a career meaning I wouldn't have to go to school. Wouldn't that be nice. Maybe this institute class... If I actually stick with it...
I'm rambling, sorry.
Last Saturday, I worked until 11am then went and saw Prince Caspian with my friend Cheez. *Halleluiah Chorus* I love that movie! Gasp! Warning, New Favorite! My friend will attest, I squealed practically throughout the entire thing.
If everyone will recall, the first one had two guys that I liked, the one more than the other: William Mosely and James McAvoy (Who is just a little too old for me)
Prince Caspian has THREE all of which I can squeal with joy over. William Mosely (Peter), Skander Keynes (Edmund, who grew up so NICE), and Ben Barnes (Caspian). EEK! Just thinking about them makes me giddy!
This is the best part. When I got home from watching it with my friend, I took my younger brothers to see it as well. I got to see it twice in one day!
And it might happen again this Saturday! WHEEE!
In other news, I'm taking two institute classes, one Monday and Wednesday from 7-7:50am, the other Tuesday and Thursday from 7-7:50am. Both the same class. The reason? I need an excuse to get up early EVERY day, and this was a good one. And since during the winter I will be riding the bus more than taking the car (Maybe, depends on how cold it is) then I needed it to be fairly early so that when I get back, I still have time to do my writing.
I am going to discipline myself and become better and (hopefully) meet someone in one of these classes who will want to go out with me since I have had no luck in my ward, stake, or work.
And don't ever watch the TV show Torchwood. The English are disgusting.
And I feel like it should be fall already. Mostly because I grew up starting school in September, not August.
I get paid tomorrow!
And I'm done rambling.
See you next time!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Part Three: The Invisible Man, Breaking Dawn, and My latest dream
So I discovered a new TV show that I have fallen in love with. It's called The Invisible Man, started in 2000, and stars Vincent Ventresca, whom I'm sure no one will know. Here's what it's about, according to IMDB:
Darian Fawkes is a petty thief and conman who is bailed out of jail by his brother in return for undergoing an experiment that implants a "quicksilver" gland in his head that allows him to turn invisible. When his brother is killed, he ends up working for a top-secret government organization (disguised as the Department of Fish & Game) in return for a counter-agent which keeps the gland from driving him insane.
It is AWESOME! You should all check it out!
Speaking about awesome, I read Breaking Dawn Saturday and Sunday. (Balgram now has my copy, otherwise I would read it again) I'm not going to say anything, for those people who haven't read it yet, but I LOVED it! That's all...
Now, my latest dream that I can actually remember happened last night.
The entire dream was one big car race, with me in the seat of a white Dodge Charger, my favorite car. The dream played out like a movie, so sometimes I could see outside the car as the cars passed, sometimes I could see the dashboard where I could see how FREAKING fast I was going. Just over 200 mph throughout the entire race/dream! Now, it's nowhere near as fast as Speed Racer goes, but that was the speed of the race. (All the other cars looked like cars from Speed Racer, which was funny cause mine didn't...)
The last little bit of the dream, I was not driving the car any more, Speed Racer was, I was just waiting for him to return to me. And I felt so exhausted! Like I had run the entire race! There were a bunch of 'friends' in the dream who were all clustered around me, and I was wearing a blanket around my shoulders to keep warm...?... And the Dodge Charger came to a skidding halt a few feet away from me and I hobbled over to it and Speed came out, carrying a big trophy. We were all happy and everything, talking about, of all things, a torn out earring, when Mom woke me up at 8:30 to get ready for church at 9.
But just dreaming of driving a car at 200 mph was AMAZING and AWESOME and COOL and the best dream I have had in a long time!
Darian Fawkes is a petty thief and conman who is bailed out of jail by his brother in return for undergoing an experiment that implants a "quicksilver" gland in his head that allows him to turn invisible. When his brother is killed, he ends up working for a top-secret government organization (disguised as the Department of Fish & Game) in return for a counter-agent which keeps the gland from driving him insane.
It is AWESOME! You should all check it out!
Speaking about awesome, I read Breaking Dawn Saturday and Sunday. (Balgram now has my copy, otherwise I would read it again) I'm not going to say anything, for those people who haven't read it yet, but I LOVED it! That's all...
Now, my latest dream that I can actually remember happened last night.
The entire dream was one big car race, with me in the seat of a white Dodge Charger, my favorite car. The dream played out like a movie, so sometimes I could see outside the car as the cars passed, sometimes I could see the dashboard where I could see how FREAKING fast I was going. Just over 200 mph throughout the entire race/dream! Now, it's nowhere near as fast as Speed Racer goes, but that was the speed of the race. (All the other cars looked like cars from Speed Racer, which was funny cause mine didn't...)
The last little bit of the dream, I was not driving the car any more, Speed Racer was, I was just waiting for him to return to me. And I felt so exhausted! Like I had run the entire race! There were a bunch of 'friends' in the dream who were all clustered around me, and I was wearing a blanket around my shoulders to keep warm...?... And the Dodge Charger came to a skidding halt a few feet away from me and I hobbled over to it and Speed came out, carrying a big trophy. We were all happy and everything, talking about, of all things, a torn out earring, when Mom woke me up at 8:30 to get ready for church at 9.
But just dreaming of driving a car at 200 mph was AMAZING and AWESOME and COOL and the best dream I have had in a long time!
Part Two 1/2: River Trip Happenings
Day One. Thursday:
I actually never went to bed Wednesday night. I knew that if I did, I would never be able to get up. I got home from work at 10 ish, and if I did go to be, it wouldn't have been until after midnight anyway. Mom braided my hair in a ton of little braids while we watched Tristin and Isolde. Not the best movie...
Anyway, After that, I watched Battlestar Galactica until 3am, then grabbed my small travel back and pillow, the rest of my stuff already taken and loaded up. My brother's and I walked down to the church and waited with the rest of the people until the bus arrived. My friend Angel, who was practically the only reason I was going, was late, and I was kind of worried that she hadn't woken up. She's a late night person like that. But she made it, and the bus arrived close to 4.
It was a school bus. Have you ever ridden in a school bus in the dark for 6 hours straight? Didn't think so. We had Cosco muffins and Sunny D for breakfast before trying to fall asleep.
Maybe it was just our bus, but the bus was like a strobe light. Outside, we could see the reflection of the strobing light everywhere. It was WEIRD!
When we arrived at our destination, we unloaded our trailer with our stuff into their trailer for transportation along the river. We then changed, learned a few rules, got our life-jackets, and loaded into another bus. This bus ride was an hour long, taking us to our launching point. We ate lunch, then launched the boats. I ended up on a boat with my friend Angel, a guide named Sam (Who was hot) and another YSA named Marcus (Also hot). And thankfully, none of my brothers.
For the next few hours of rafting, there were tons of water battles between boats, with lots of dunking, splashing, and boat leaping. It was a blast. We stopped for camp around 4 ish, and quickly set up the tents.
Me, I was still exhausted from my all nighter, and from paddling more than anyone else, and as soon as I had washed all the dirt and sand off as best as I could, I zonked out on my sleeping bag.
We had dinner of hamburgers and such, then the guides, Sam, Mike Jenny, Brianne, and Carry, but on a show, intruducing the trip's theme of Olympics, to mirror Bejinj. They also introduced us to the guest 'country', a small family from France who were traveling with the group.
My raft had picked the name Vengence, so we were from the country of Vengence. I think everyone on the boat had pirates on the brain, including me.
We designed our flag, which was on an orange piece of old tee shirt, then played some 'Olympic' games, like hamburger patty toss, and bean eating contest... I didn't participate... After that, a few people from Vengence and I played some girls camp games, and then I went to bed. By the time I went to bed, it was only around 10:30, which is early for me, but it was pitch dark, and I was still exhausted.
Day Two, Friday; Rapids Day:
Friday was Rapids day. The first half, up until lunch, there were no rapids, but all the guides promised there would be plenty after lunch. At the start of the day, my brother somehow ended up on Vengence, much to my annoyance. He seemed to have it in his mind that he 'needed' to dump me into the water. I had avoided it all the other day, and now he seemed to think I owed him.
It's not hard to avoid that when you are on the beach, but it's really hard when you are on a boat. I was sitting second to the front on the left side, right behind Marcus (*sigh*), when I spied my brother out of the corner of my eye coming at him. I turned just in time to catch him face first, when he pushed me off, and I grabbed on to him and pulled him in with me. The first time I had been all the way into the water, and it was COLD! As soon as I came up, I grabbed hold of the rope that went around the side of the raft, and tried to stay above the water, without my brother pulling me under again.
Then strong arms grabbed my life jacket and pulled me back into the boat. (again, *sigh*) Marcus had rescued me. When I got back in position to paddle again, I thought I had seen the last of my brother. Alas, it was not so.
This time, he pulled me in from the water. And this time, I scrapped my foot on something, and started to bleed. Marcus pulled me up again, and someone else pulled my brother in, and I was really pissed at him for the rest of the trip.
We stopped for lunch, which was sandwiches again, (With roast beef and swiss cheese, yum!) then when we set out again, Vengence had lost some people. My brother had decided to take a Ducky, a two man Kayak, and Marcus had as well. (Seperate, of course.) To make up for the loss of cute Marcus, Zac, another YSA joined use. (I can't decide who was cuter...)
Then came the rapids part of the day. It was a blast! Our guide steered us into the best ones, and everything was going good, until later.
During one of the rapids, when I had switched sides to sit in the back by Sam on the right side, we hit a rapid wrong, and it's hard to hold onto the raft with just your slippery, wet legs, and I fell off, along with two other people.
This is the part were I was terrified. People tell me I was under the water, stuck in a recirculating current for 3 seconds, 6 seconds, and 1 minute, though I know Zac was kidding when he said that. I would be dead if it was that long.
All I know was that I was under the water, and all I could think about were two things. "I'm going to die." And "I need air."
I don't think I have ever been so scared in my life. There was nothing but water, I couldn't tell which way was up, then there was air for a second, long enough for me to take a gasp of air. Then I was under again. I came up a second time and this time I was out of the recirculating current, but not out of the rapids. I tried to manuver into the Pina Colada, the position everyone was told to do when in the rapids, and found it was harder than it had sounded on the beach. The waves kept pushing me, and splashing me in the face. I was trying to get back to the boat, which was getting farther and father away with each breath.
As soon as I had come up, I had looked for the boat, and when I had found it, I could see that Sam and Zac both were standing up, near the edge. From their body language, I sort of assumed that they were both worried for me. It made me feel a little bit better as I struggled for my life.
I caught sight of a ducky with only one person in it, Karina, also a YSA. I then tried to get to it, instead of the all to distant raft, and made it. When I was safe aboard, we rescued the paddle that had fallen with me, then sped up to where the raft was floating. I got back on board the boat and was welcomed back happily. The other two people who had fallen out had fallen so close to the boat that they were able to be rescued right away, it was only me who had been so far off.
After that, I was little bit more careful about holding onto the boat, but not so terrified that I didn't want to raft any more. Sam said that he was glad that I was a good sport about it, and Zac, and later Marcus when he heard about it, both said they were glad I was still alive. (*glows*)
The rest of the rapids were pretty tame compared to the one I fell of into, but it was still fun.
When we stopped for camp and after we had set up the tents, the stake had an activity. Fear Factor, of all things. I was kind of leery at first, I'm not the kind of person who will eat things I don't know anything about. But it was all fun. We were all divided into teams, and, lucky me, I got Angel on me team, as well as both Marcus and Zac. It must have been my lucky day. The following were the activities: Finding gummy bears in flour, the trust fall (Which I have only done once, and never so quickly as I did then... Both Zac and Marcus were there to catch me...), holding weights in the air as long as you could, seeing how many marshmellows you could fit into your mouth (I got 6, one girl got 24!), and trying to get across a piece of land with only 9 wooden stepping stones, a mute, a blind person, and a person with no arms. After that, all the leaders told everyone what they all meant spiritually, then bore there testimony.
After that we had dinner of spaghetti, and after that we went to bed.
Sort of. We were going to go to bed, but then we saw the stars. Angel and Melissa and I laid out on the sidewalk gazing at the BLANKET of stars that we could see, including the milky way, the big and little dipper, and Orion. It was amazing! And VENUS! Man, it was so BRIGHT! I love the stars so much...
Then we went to bed.
Day Three, Saturday:
After breakfast of french toast, we packed up and launched the boats for the last time. As soon as we got past the last little bit of rapids, all the rafts, including the food raft, totally five, hooked up together to form a party barge, and they flipped one of the rafts over. On the flipped mat, they then held wrestling matches. Lots of them. The first one was between Sam and the other guy guide, Mike. I cheered for Sam, and he won. Then there was a match between Zac and Marcus, who are best friends. That one went on forever it seemed. Supposedly Marcus is afraid of the water, or of drowning, or of something... I think it was irrational fear or something like that... Anyway, I didn't know who to cheer for that match and Zac won, then helped pull Marcus in. It was so cool to see them be best buds...
After a while, I got bored. I didn't know many people, and while it was fun to watch the hotties wrestle, I don't much like wrestling. So I floated in the water, rode a ducky, stuff like that.
It was about noon I think when we landed and loaded the rafts onto this big truck then boarded another bus back to where we had started.
This time, the trip took minutes, and when we got out, we hand lunch of tuna sandwiches, then loaded our stuff from their trailer to ours, loaded the bus, and left, all exhausted. It was around this time that my sunburned legs started to REALLY hurt. I could barely walk, and it hurt when ever anything touched it. My shoulders got burnt, but they didn't hurt. My scalp also, but all it did was get crusty yellow stuff in my hair... Yuck...
The ride home, I tried to sleep, STILL getting over the all nighter, but it was too loud. Everyone was hyper and ready to be home. Zac sat in the back of the bus with, of all people to have, his girlfriend... Marcus sat a few seats behind and on the opposite side of the isle with my younger brother, not the one who pushed me in.
We talked a little, my brother threw skittles at me, and smiled when I glared playfully at him. Then Marcus tried to get a skittle in my mouth, and I just had to comply, and smile as wide as I could, and laugh when it didn't make it. We then tried again, and he ran out of skittles after that. I made a friend with a girl who is in my ward and who I should have been friends with, but never got the chance to... And we made it back home around 6. Then Angel's mom gave me a ride home, and the trip was over....
It was a blast thought!
I actually never went to bed Wednesday night. I knew that if I did, I would never be able to get up. I got home from work at 10 ish, and if I did go to be, it wouldn't have been until after midnight anyway. Mom braided my hair in a ton of little braids while we watched Tristin and Isolde. Not the best movie...
Anyway, After that, I watched Battlestar Galactica until 3am, then grabbed my small travel back and pillow, the rest of my stuff already taken and loaded up. My brother's and I walked down to the church and waited with the rest of the people until the bus arrived. My friend Angel, who was practically the only reason I was going, was late, and I was kind of worried that she hadn't woken up. She's a late night person like that. But she made it, and the bus arrived close to 4.
It was a school bus. Have you ever ridden in a school bus in the dark for 6 hours straight? Didn't think so. We had Cosco muffins and Sunny D for breakfast before trying to fall asleep.
Maybe it was just our bus, but the bus was like a strobe light. Outside, we could see the reflection of the strobing light everywhere. It was WEIRD!
When we arrived at our destination, we unloaded our trailer with our stuff into their trailer for transportation along the river. We then changed, learned a few rules, got our life-jackets, and loaded into another bus. This bus ride was an hour long, taking us to our launching point. We ate lunch, then launched the boats. I ended up on a boat with my friend Angel, a guide named Sam (Who was hot) and another YSA named Marcus (Also hot). And thankfully, none of my brothers.
For the next few hours of rafting, there were tons of water battles between boats, with lots of dunking, splashing, and boat leaping. It was a blast. We stopped for camp around 4 ish, and quickly set up the tents.
Me, I was still exhausted from my all nighter, and from paddling more than anyone else, and as soon as I had washed all the dirt and sand off as best as I could, I zonked out on my sleeping bag.
We had dinner of hamburgers and such, then the guides, Sam, Mike Jenny, Brianne, and Carry, but on a show, intruducing the trip's theme of Olympics, to mirror Bejinj. They also introduced us to the guest 'country', a small family from France who were traveling with the group.
My raft had picked the name Vengence, so we were from the country of Vengence. I think everyone on the boat had pirates on the brain, including me.
We designed our flag, which was on an orange piece of old tee shirt, then played some 'Olympic' games, like hamburger patty toss, and bean eating contest... I didn't participate... After that, a few people from Vengence and I played some girls camp games, and then I went to bed. By the time I went to bed, it was only around 10:30, which is early for me, but it was pitch dark, and I was still exhausted.
Day Two, Friday; Rapids Day:
Friday was Rapids day. The first half, up until lunch, there were no rapids, but all the guides promised there would be plenty after lunch. At the start of the day, my brother somehow ended up on Vengence, much to my annoyance. He seemed to have it in his mind that he 'needed' to dump me into the water. I had avoided it all the other day, and now he seemed to think I owed him.
It's not hard to avoid that when you are on the beach, but it's really hard when you are on a boat. I was sitting second to the front on the left side, right behind Marcus (*sigh*), when I spied my brother out of the corner of my eye coming at him. I turned just in time to catch him face first, when he pushed me off, and I grabbed on to him and pulled him in with me. The first time I had been all the way into the water, and it was COLD! As soon as I came up, I grabbed hold of the rope that went around the side of the raft, and tried to stay above the water, without my brother pulling me under again.
Then strong arms grabbed my life jacket and pulled me back into the boat. (again, *sigh*) Marcus had rescued me. When I got back in position to paddle again, I thought I had seen the last of my brother. Alas, it was not so.
This time, he pulled me in from the water. And this time, I scrapped my foot on something, and started to bleed. Marcus pulled me up again, and someone else pulled my brother in, and I was really pissed at him for the rest of the trip.
We stopped for lunch, which was sandwiches again, (With roast beef and swiss cheese, yum!) then when we set out again, Vengence had lost some people. My brother had decided to take a Ducky, a two man Kayak, and Marcus had as well. (Seperate, of course.) To make up for the loss of cute Marcus, Zac, another YSA joined use. (I can't decide who was cuter...)
Then came the rapids part of the day. It was a blast! Our guide steered us into the best ones, and everything was going good, until later.
During one of the rapids, when I had switched sides to sit in the back by Sam on the right side, we hit a rapid wrong, and it's hard to hold onto the raft with just your slippery, wet legs, and I fell off, along with two other people.
This is the part were I was terrified. People tell me I was under the water, stuck in a recirculating current for 3 seconds, 6 seconds, and 1 minute, though I know Zac was kidding when he said that. I would be dead if it was that long.
All I know was that I was under the water, and all I could think about were two things. "I'm going to die." And "I need air."
I don't think I have ever been so scared in my life. There was nothing but water, I couldn't tell which way was up, then there was air for a second, long enough for me to take a gasp of air. Then I was under again. I came up a second time and this time I was out of the recirculating current, but not out of the rapids. I tried to manuver into the Pina Colada, the position everyone was told to do when in the rapids, and found it was harder than it had sounded on the beach. The waves kept pushing me, and splashing me in the face. I was trying to get back to the boat, which was getting farther and father away with each breath.
As soon as I had come up, I had looked for the boat, and when I had found it, I could see that Sam and Zac both were standing up, near the edge. From their body language, I sort of assumed that they were both worried for me. It made me feel a little bit better as I struggled for my life.
I caught sight of a ducky with only one person in it, Karina, also a YSA. I then tried to get to it, instead of the all to distant raft, and made it. When I was safe aboard, we rescued the paddle that had fallen with me, then sped up to where the raft was floating. I got back on board the boat and was welcomed back happily. The other two people who had fallen out had fallen so close to the boat that they were able to be rescued right away, it was only me who had been so far off.
After that, I was little bit more careful about holding onto the boat, but not so terrified that I didn't want to raft any more. Sam said that he was glad that I was a good sport about it, and Zac, and later Marcus when he heard about it, both said they were glad I was still alive. (*glows*)
The rest of the rapids were pretty tame compared to the one I fell of into, but it was still fun.
When we stopped for camp and after we had set up the tents, the stake had an activity. Fear Factor, of all things. I was kind of leery at first, I'm not the kind of person who will eat things I don't know anything about. But it was all fun. We were all divided into teams, and, lucky me, I got Angel on me team, as well as both Marcus and Zac. It must have been my lucky day. The following were the activities: Finding gummy bears in flour, the trust fall (Which I have only done once, and never so quickly as I did then... Both Zac and Marcus were there to catch me...), holding weights in the air as long as you could, seeing how many marshmellows you could fit into your mouth (I got 6, one girl got 24!), and trying to get across a piece of land with only 9 wooden stepping stones, a mute, a blind person, and a person with no arms. After that, all the leaders told everyone what they all meant spiritually, then bore there testimony.
After that we had dinner of spaghetti, and after that we went to bed.
Sort of. We were going to go to bed, but then we saw the stars. Angel and Melissa and I laid out on the sidewalk gazing at the BLANKET of stars that we could see, including the milky way, the big and little dipper, and Orion. It was amazing! And VENUS! Man, it was so BRIGHT! I love the stars so much...
Then we went to bed.
Day Three, Saturday:
After breakfast of french toast, we packed up and launched the boats for the last time. As soon as we got past the last little bit of rapids, all the rafts, including the food raft, totally five, hooked up together to form a party barge, and they flipped one of the rafts over. On the flipped mat, they then held wrestling matches. Lots of them. The first one was between Sam and the other guy guide, Mike. I cheered for Sam, and he won. Then there was a match between Zac and Marcus, who are best friends. That one went on forever it seemed. Supposedly Marcus is afraid of the water, or of drowning, or of something... I think it was irrational fear or something like that... Anyway, I didn't know who to cheer for that match and Zac won, then helped pull Marcus in. It was so cool to see them be best buds...
After a while, I got bored. I didn't know many people, and while it was fun to watch the hotties wrestle, I don't much like wrestling. So I floated in the water, rode a ducky, stuff like that.
It was about noon I think when we landed and loaded the rafts onto this big truck then boarded another bus back to where we had started.
This time, the trip took minutes, and when we got out, we hand lunch of tuna sandwiches, then loaded our stuff from their trailer to ours, loaded the bus, and left, all exhausted. It was around this time that my sunburned legs started to REALLY hurt. I could barely walk, and it hurt when ever anything touched it. My shoulders got burnt, but they didn't hurt. My scalp also, but all it did was get crusty yellow stuff in my hair... Yuck...
The ride home, I tried to sleep, STILL getting over the all nighter, but it was too loud. Everyone was hyper and ready to be home. Zac sat in the back of the bus with, of all people to have, his girlfriend... Marcus sat a few seats behind and on the opposite side of the isle with my younger brother, not the one who pushed me in.
We talked a little, my brother threw skittles at me, and smiled when I glared playfully at him. Then Marcus tried to get a skittle in my mouth, and I just had to comply, and smile as wide as I could, and laugh when it didn't make it. We then tried again, and he ran out of skittles after that. I made a friend with a girl who is in my ward and who I should have been friends with, but never got the chance to... And we made it back home around 6. Then Angel's mom gave me a ride home, and the trip was over....
It was a blast thought!
Part Two: River Trip Pictures

Two of my friends who were leaders with me, Angel, in the back, and Melissa, in the pink.

Centerstage, Zac. Very cute guy, nice too. Strong too.

Standing up, Sam, my raft's guide. You can't really see him that good in this picture...
Zac and another cute boy named Marcus are bottom center. Both are YSA's as well, and both are getting ready for missions.

Another picture of Sam, again, I hate that it's so bad...

Zac and Marcus watching while two guides, Sam and Mike, wrestle aboard a flipped raft. Part of the party barge activities. Sam won.

Part One: Balgram's planned birthday present to me
Here are all that I could think of. It would be cool if you could do singles then couples, but you don't have to. Alexandra and Jeremy, have two different genres, and the Grant family has different time frames... More down below.
Sabrey Jane Wolff & Tyler Madison
18 & 25
Runs family Café, Police detective/forensic scientist
Looks, Sabrey:
Lean and graceful with white blond hair that is straight, and blunt cut at her mid back. Prefers it down. Sapphire blue eyes, smooth ivory skin, 5’5”, small features. Wears flattering clothes.
Looks, Tyler:
Lean and muscular, short thick dark brown hair, 5’11”, rounded features, serious looking, gray/brown eyes, clear, pale skin, always looks slightly tired. Wears a suit most of the time.
Personality, Sabrey:
She is an odd combination of outgoing and homemaker. She loves her family without a shadow of a doubt, and loves hanging out with her three cousins that are her age. She wants nothing more than to run her grandfather’s café for the rest of her life. She always had lots of friends in high school, but only ever hung out with her family, and even then, only when she wasn’t working at the café. She loves to sing and dance, and doesn’t care that people are watching her when she dances behind the counter.
Personality, Tyler:
Serious and focused. When he starts something, he finishes it to the best of his abilities. He does laugh and have a little bit of fun sometimes, but there is always seriousness behind it all. A workaholic, in a good way, from a small family, mother, younger brother both died in car crash, father lives in Oregon, wants to do what he is doing for the rest of his life.
Sabrey Jane Wolff & Tyler Madison
18 & 25
Runs family Café, Police detective/forensic scientist
Looks, Sabrey:
Lean and graceful with white blond hair that is straight, and blunt cut at her mid back. Prefers it down. Sapphire blue eyes, smooth ivory skin, 5’5”, small features. Wears flattering clothes.
Looks, Tyler:
Lean and muscular, short thick dark brown hair, 5’11”, rounded features, serious looking, gray/brown eyes, clear, pale skin, always looks slightly tired. Wears a suit most of the time.
Personality, Sabrey:
She is an odd combination of outgoing and homemaker. She loves her family without a shadow of a doubt, and loves hanging out with her three cousins that are her age. She wants nothing more than to run her grandfather’s café for the rest of her life. She always had lots of friends in high school, but only ever hung out with her family, and even then, only when she wasn’t working at the café. She loves to sing and dance, and doesn’t care that people are watching her when she dances behind the counter.
Personality, Tyler:
Serious and focused. When he starts something, he finishes it to the best of his abilities. He does laugh and have a little bit of fun sometimes, but there is always seriousness behind it all. A workaholic, in a good way, from a small family, mother, younger brother both died in car crash, father lives in Oregon, wants to do what he is doing for the rest of his life.
Tyhra & Elayna
22 & 17
Lord, Lady
Looks, Tyhra:
Shortish black hair and light brown eyes. He is average in height, only 5’10”, lean, but not really muscular. He’s more of a book noble than a sword noble, though since he has become the new Lord of a small providence, his right hand man has insisted he begin to learn to defend himself.
Looks, Elayna:
Average in height (5’4”), slender. Her long hair is pure white, no one can explain the reason, and her eyes are light green.
Personality, Tyhra:
Very bookish and shy. He is trying to do better at everything for the sake of his suffering providence. He believes in freedom and prosperity for the ordinary people, which is a contrary way of thinking in his society, so he hides it most of the time. He is gentle and kind.
Personality, Elayna:
She is the only thing that keeps the armies of the Lord of the Land away from her brother, who is leading a resistance, and it constantly weighs on her mind. She is a cheerful person, but wishes she were with her brother, learning to fight and helping him get ready for battle. She isn’t very patient with most of the girls at Court, who are all ‘fluff’ in her opinion.
Kevin & Liz Gunn
25 & 25
Pirate King, pirate/Pirate Queen
(I think you know both of these people, so it shouldn’t be a problem. I have pictures if you need to be reminded.) Kevin: Not too tall, only about 6’, and not too muscular. He has long sideburns and kind of shaggy reddish brown hair. He has hazel colored eyes.
Liz: You know me.
Personality, Kevin:
Always formulating plans for raids, thinking of ways to get around the laws and still retain legal pirate status. He loves what he does, and he loves his ship, the Emerald Claw. He’s a bit absent minded. He loves his wife.
Personality, Liz:
You know me. (And Liz is the reason Kevin is still the Pirate King and not dead yet)
Acorla Danguard & Jasria Lonerunner
26 & 309 (28)
Arconin tribe leader, loner
Looks, Acorla:
Average height(5’7”), mid back length black hair, golden eyes, slender yet muscular, wears a tan tunic and brown pants. Wears twin daggers, one on each thigh.
Looks, Jasria:
Tall for an elf (6’7”), pure white hair that is just past his shoulders, but he keeps it up in a pony tail most of the time tied with a green ribbon, bright green eyes, long pointed ears.
Personality, Acorla:
Very reckless, though never with the lives of her tribes people. She usually has a smile on her face, unless she is really worried about something. She has a nasty temper, but rarely gets too angry.
Personality, Jasria:
Always tired from his endless battle with holding back the minds of all the people around him. (He can hear everyone’s thoughts, non stop) He tries to keep a calm face most of the time, not wanting to seem weak to anyone and not wanting to give away his secret gift/curse.
Kristina Stewert
On the short side of average (5’5”), very light and slender for her height, slender with strong legs made for running, dark blond hair that is waist length yet kept up, wide hazel eyes that are prone to tears, heart shaped face with small features. She has a light scar on her right forearm that’s about half a hand long and travels lengthwise in the middle of her forearm.
Puts on a façade of being a cheerful and happy girl, but under it all, she is plagued by her parent’s ugly and unhappy relationship that has bothered her. She always has a lot on her mind, whether it’s school work or her future or her parent’s latest fight.
Royal guard in training
You have drawn his sister (Tolomine) and I can show you the picture to remind you. He’s almost a foot taller than his sister, lean and muscular. He has shaggy dark brown hair that is slightly curly. He has wide brown eyes and strong hands. He wields both the traditional Guards Sword and the smaller long sword expertly.
Very much a joker, he always seems to have a goofy grin on his face. The only time he is serious is when he has a sword in his hand to defend himself or others. He loves his sister, and loves to tease her.
Aederhy the Golden
Not called the Golden for nothing, his hair, skin, and eyes are all a golden color, average height, average weight, not very muscular, but enough, long features, can show a picture of something he might wear
He would rather be reading than anything else, other than doing something with his younger sister, Alexandra (See above). He usually has a lot on his mind, running a country and trying to find the person who has kidnapped his sister and her bodyguard. He is the kind of person who always tries to find the silver lining to a situation, though it has become difficult for him the last few months.
(Special request for the Family: Singles; the age they are during their book, group; random time when they are all together for a little while. Single age is first, then the group age)
Kayden Grant & Liz Thelin (Tuleen) Grant
23 & 22, 45 & 44
Co-pilot, pilot
Looks, Kayden:
Tall, (6’ 5”) muscular, and handsome. He has shaggy black hair that has a little of natural wave to it, matching perfectly with his bright blue eyes. His face is rounded, almost boyish, with short sideburns.
Looks, Liz:
You know what I look like. (I’m 5’9½”)
Personality, Kayden:
Very quite, loving, and protective. He’s very devoted to his wife. He loves flying in his and Liz’s ship, but he also loves flying period, as well as any kind of space travel. He loves little children and wants some of his own.
Personality, Liz:
Again, you know me.
Alistair Kerry Grant & Cable Pierce Grant (Twins)
17 & 17, 22 & 22
Looks, Alistair:
Black hair that isn’t long or short, is very straight. He has the same blue eyes that his dad does. He’s tall but not as tall as his dad (6’2”), lean and muscular. He has a little more of his mom in his long face, compared to his dad’s round face.
Looks, Cable:
Black hair that isn’t long or short, is very straight. His eyes are the only thing different than his brother. He has one blue, like his dad’s, and one green, like his mom’s. He’s tall but not as tall as his dad (6’2”), lean and muscular. He has a little more of his mom in his long face, compared to his dad’s round face.
Personality, Alistair:
A joker, always has something witty to say, always joking around. He rarely takes anything serious.
Personality, Cable:
More mellow than his twin, quieter, yet just as willing to joke around. He’s the one who is always bringing his brother back from going too far with his jokes, always trying to set things right and keep him in the Corps.
Rei Jelisa Grant
17, 21
Long blond hair that is slightly curly, like her dad’s, with forest green eyes. She’s very short, the shortest in the family at only 5’ even, and slender. Any ship she flies has to be adjusted for her height. She has a heart shaped face.
A born leader, miffed at being third, very strong spirited. She hates being babied by her older brothers and is always trying to get them off her back. She is always doing her best, and trying to be better. Her favorite thing do be doing is flying her SSF (Single Space Fighter). She loves her family, but it’s a ‘I love you but want to be away from you” kind of love, especially true with her older brothers. She does love her younger brother a little more, because he is so soft hearted.
Emile John Grant
19, 17
Battlefield Medic
Watch Speed Racer. That’s what he looks like 'cause that's who he's based on. He really does look like a younger version of his dad, Kayden Grant. He has brown hair so dark its almost black, and pale green eyes. He’s average in height, only 5’11’, but still lean and muscular, like all the men in his family.
Soft hearted, quiet in bearing burdens, doesn’t complain. Unlike his older siblings and parents, he doesn’t want to kill things to help the war, instead, he wants to heal things to help the war. So he became a Medic. He loves his family, and is particularly fond of his younger sister.
Tayrien Valerie Grant
18, 15
She looks the most different than the rest of her family. Her hair is light brown that is thick, silky, and extremely curly. She has blue eyes that are just a shade lighter than her dad’s. She’s about 5’6”, putting her at second in height, and slender.
She feels just a little left out of the family, as she is the only one who’s not really helping with the war. She loves to sing, and loves her family. She wishes the war would end so that her family would come back and stay back. She tries to be optimistic all the time, and tries to write inspiring music. She wishes there was something she could do to help the war, as she doesn’t like feeling left out of the family.
If you need any more info, don't hesitate to ask. I will try to provide. I have discovered that I have the tendency to be lax in describing my characters physically and mentally... For information on their stories, go to The Works of Artemis Standring
Sabrey Jane Wolff & Tyler Madison
18 & 25
Runs family Café, Police detective/forensic scientist
Looks, Sabrey:
Lean and graceful with white blond hair that is straight, and blunt cut at her mid back. Prefers it down. Sapphire blue eyes, smooth ivory skin, 5’5”, small features. Wears flattering clothes.
Looks, Tyler:
Lean and muscular, short thick dark brown hair, 5’11”, rounded features, serious looking, gray/brown eyes, clear, pale skin, always looks slightly tired. Wears a suit most of the time.
Personality, Sabrey:
She is an odd combination of outgoing and homemaker. She loves her family without a shadow of a doubt, and loves hanging out with her three cousins that are her age. She wants nothing more than to run her grandfather’s café for the rest of her life. She always had lots of friends in high school, but only ever hung out with her family, and even then, only when she wasn’t working at the café. She loves to sing and dance, and doesn’t care that people are watching her when she dances behind the counter.
Personality, Tyler:
Serious and focused. When he starts something, he finishes it to the best of his abilities. He does laugh and have a little bit of fun sometimes, but there is always seriousness behind it all. A workaholic, in a good way, from a small family, mother, younger brother both died in car crash, father lives in Oregon, wants to do what he is doing for the rest of his life.
Sabrey Jane Wolff & Tyler Madison
18 & 25
Runs family Café, Police detective/forensic scientist
Looks, Sabrey:
Lean and graceful with white blond hair that is straight, and blunt cut at her mid back. Prefers it down. Sapphire blue eyes, smooth ivory skin, 5’5”, small features. Wears flattering clothes.
Looks, Tyler:
Lean and muscular, short thick dark brown hair, 5’11”, rounded features, serious looking, gray/brown eyes, clear, pale skin, always looks slightly tired. Wears a suit most of the time.
Personality, Sabrey:
She is an odd combination of outgoing and homemaker. She loves her family without a shadow of a doubt, and loves hanging out with her three cousins that are her age. She wants nothing more than to run her grandfather’s café for the rest of her life. She always had lots of friends in high school, but only ever hung out with her family, and even then, only when she wasn’t working at the café. She loves to sing and dance, and doesn’t care that people are watching her when she dances behind the counter.
Personality, Tyler:
Serious and focused. When he starts something, he finishes it to the best of his abilities. He does laugh and have a little bit of fun sometimes, but there is always seriousness behind it all. A workaholic, in a good way, from a small family, mother, younger brother both died in car crash, father lives in Oregon, wants to do what he is doing for the rest of his life.
Tyhra & Elayna
22 & 17
Lord, Lady
Looks, Tyhra:
Shortish black hair and light brown eyes. He is average in height, only 5’10”, lean, but not really muscular. He’s more of a book noble than a sword noble, though since he has become the new Lord of a small providence, his right hand man has insisted he begin to learn to defend himself.
Looks, Elayna:
Average in height (5’4”), slender. Her long hair is pure white, no one can explain the reason, and her eyes are light green.
Personality, Tyhra:
Very bookish and shy. He is trying to do better at everything for the sake of his suffering providence. He believes in freedom and prosperity for the ordinary people, which is a contrary way of thinking in his society, so he hides it most of the time. He is gentle and kind.
Personality, Elayna:
She is the only thing that keeps the armies of the Lord of the Land away from her brother, who is leading a resistance, and it constantly weighs on her mind. She is a cheerful person, but wishes she were with her brother, learning to fight and helping him get ready for battle. She isn’t very patient with most of the girls at Court, who are all ‘fluff’ in her opinion.
Kevin & Liz Gunn
25 & 25
Pirate King, pirate/Pirate Queen
(I think you know both of these people, so it shouldn’t be a problem. I have pictures if you need to be reminded.) Kevin: Not too tall, only about 6’, and not too muscular. He has long sideburns and kind of shaggy reddish brown hair. He has hazel colored eyes.
Liz: You know me.
Personality, Kevin:
Always formulating plans for raids, thinking of ways to get around the laws and still retain legal pirate status. He loves what he does, and he loves his ship, the Emerald Claw. He’s a bit absent minded. He loves his wife.
Personality, Liz:
You know me. (And Liz is the reason Kevin is still the Pirate King and not dead yet)
Acorla Danguard & Jasria Lonerunner
26 & 309 (28)
Arconin tribe leader, loner
Looks, Acorla:
Average height(5’7”), mid back length black hair, golden eyes, slender yet muscular, wears a tan tunic and brown pants. Wears twin daggers, one on each thigh.
Looks, Jasria:
Tall for an elf (6’7”), pure white hair that is just past his shoulders, but he keeps it up in a pony tail most of the time tied with a green ribbon, bright green eyes, long pointed ears.
Personality, Acorla:
Very reckless, though never with the lives of her tribes people. She usually has a smile on her face, unless she is really worried about something. She has a nasty temper, but rarely gets too angry.
Personality, Jasria:
Always tired from his endless battle with holding back the minds of all the people around him. (He can hear everyone’s thoughts, non stop) He tries to keep a calm face most of the time, not wanting to seem weak to anyone and not wanting to give away his secret gift/curse.
Kristina Stewert
On the short side of average (5’5”), very light and slender for her height, slender with strong legs made for running, dark blond hair that is waist length yet kept up, wide hazel eyes that are prone to tears, heart shaped face with small features. She has a light scar on her right forearm that’s about half a hand long and travels lengthwise in the middle of her forearm.
Puts on a façade of being a cheerful and happy girl, but under it all, she is plagued by her parent’s ugly and unhappy relationship that has bothered her. She always has a lot on her mind, whether it’s school work or her future or her parent’s latest fight.
Royal guard in training
You have drawn his sister (Tolomine) and I can show you the picture to remind you. He’s almost a foot taller than his sister, lean and muscular. He has shaggy dark brown hair that is slightly curly. He has wide brown eyes and strong hands. He wields both the traditional Guards Sword and the smaller long sword expertly.
Very much a joker, he always seems to have a goofy grin on his face. The only time he is serious is when he has a sword in his hand to defend himself or others. He loves his sister, and loves to tease her.
Aederhy the Golden
Not called the Golden for nothing, his hair, skin, and eyes are all a golden color, average height, average weight, not very muscular, but enough, long features, can show a picture of something he might wear
He would rather be reading than anything else, other than doing something with his younger sister, Alexandra (See above). He usually has a lot on his mind, running a country and trying to find the person who has kidnapped his sister and her bodyguard. He is the kind of person who always tries to find the silver lining to a situation, though it has become difficult for him the last few months.
(Special request for the Family: Singles; the age they are during their book, group; random time when they are all together for a little while. Single age is first, then the group age)
Kayden Grant & Liz Thelin (Tuleen) Grant
23 & 22, 45 & 44
Co-pilot, pilot
Looks, Kayden:
Tall, (6’ 5”) muscular, and handsome. He has shaggy black hair that has a little of natural wave to it, matching perfectly with his bright blue eyes. His face is rounded, almost boyish, with short sideburns.
Looks, Liz:
You know what I look like. (I’m 5’9½”)
Personality, Kayden:
Very quite, loving, and protective. He’s very devoted to his wife. He loves flying in his and Liz’s ship, but he also loves flying period, as well as any kind of space travel. He loves little children and wants some of his own.
Personality, Liz:
Again, you know me.
Alistair Kerry Grant & Cable Pierce Grant (Twins)
17 & 17, 22 & 22
Looks, Alistair:
Black hair that isn’t long or short, is very straight. He has the same blue eyes that his dad does. He’s tall but not as tall as his dad (6’2”), lean and muscular. He has a little more of his mom in his long face, compared to his dad’s round face.
Looks, Cable:
Black hair that isn’t long or short, is very straight. His eyes are the only thing different than his brother. He has one blue, like his dad’s, and one green, like his mom’s. He’s tall but not as tall as his dad (6’2”), lean and muscular. He has a little more of his mom in his long face, compared to his dad’s round face.
Personality, Alistair:
A joker, always has something witty to say, always joking around. He rarely takes anything serious.
Personality, Cable:
More mellow than his twin, quieter, yet just as willing to joke around. He’s the one who is always bringing his brother back from going too far with his jokes, always trying to set things right and keep him in the Corps.
Rei Jelisa Grant
17, 21
Long blond hair that is slightly curly, like her dad’s, with forest green eyes. She’s very short, the shortest in the family at only 5’ even, and slender. Any ship she flies has to be adjusted for her height. She has a heart shaped face.
A born leader, miffed at being third, very strong spirited. She hates being babied by her older brothers and is always trying to get them off her back. She is always doing her best, and trying to be better. Her favorite thing do be doing is flying her SSF (Single Space Fighter). She loves her family, but it’s a ‘I love you but want to be away from you” kind of love, especially true with her older brothers. She does love her younger brother a little more, because he is so soft hearted.
Emile John Grant
19, 17
Battlefield Medic
Watch Speed Racer. That’s what he looks like 'cause that's who he's based on. He really does look like a younger version of his dad, Kayden Grant. He has brown hair so dark its almost black, and pale green eyes. He’s average in height, only 5’11’, but still lean and muscular, like all the men in his family.
Soft hearted, quiet in bearing burdens, doesn’t complain. Unlike his older siblings and parents, he doesn’t want to kill things to help the war, instead, he wants to heal things to help the war. So he became a Medic. He loves his family, and is particularly fond of his younger sister.
Tayrien Valerie Grant
18, 15
She looks the most different than the rest of her family. Her hair is light brown that is thick, silky, and extremely curly. She has blue eyes that are just a shade lighter than her dad’s. She’s about 5’6”, putting her at second in height, and slender.
She feels just a little left out of the family, as she is the only one who’s not really helping with the war. She loves to sing, and loves her family. She wishes the war would end so that her family would come back and stay back. She tries to be optimistic all the time, and tries to write inspiring music. She wishes there was something she could do to help the war, as she doesn’t like feeling left out of the family.
If you need any more info, don't hesitate to ask. I will try to provide. I have discovered that I have the tendency to be lax in describing my characters physically and mentally... For information on their stories, go to The Works of Artemis Standring
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