Thursday, February 9, 2012


My mom on her blog talks about her payday as a mother, and tells stories all the time about when she gets her payday. I got my first payday today as a writer.

At this very moment, one of my roommates is reading my very first novel, the one I wrote in 2008 for NaNoWriMo and got one copy published. She's reading it, and she says that she is completely hooked on the story. Which is awesome, because I know she's not much of a fiction reader.

So, cha-ching! When she started talking about how much she was enjoying reading it, it made my heart flutter and my chest swell with pride. This is what I want to do, this is what I want to feel. I want people to read my books and enjoy themselves. I want people to love reading my books as much as I love reading my favorite authors' books. I want to write my stories to make other people happy.

And I have taken another step forward towards that goal, even if the goal has been put off for the moment while I get my mandatory training done.


Rozy Lass said...

Congrats! That is just awesome. I know you'll make it as a writer. You have the imagination and the passion. You go girl!

Balgram said...

I feel guilty for writing in your book all over again. Send me a draft so I can get it published, dangit!

Rabbit said...

Don't feel guilty! And I'm trying as hard as I can!