Monday, December 27, 2010

Short Attention Sp—Ooh, Butterfly!

Sometimes—no actually most of the time—I get ideas of something fun I want to do. Saturday it was a restaurant review blog, today it’s a book review blog. I think I would have a lot of fun, and I always think that I would actually be able to follow through with it. Remember the Internet Book Database I tried to start a while ago? That never took off. My whole life is littered with things like that. Clubs that never got past the first meeting, websites that no one ever visited, memberships contracts that I couldn’t fulfill, etc. It’s right depressing.
It all comes down to my short attention span. I have the same problem reading books. If it doesn’t hold my attention captive, then I give up and move on to something else. The only thing I’ve been able to keep up for longer than a couple of months is this blog, which I’ve actually been treating more like a diary—i.e. I rant, ramble, complain, and usually don’t talk about anything of worth, with a few exceptions.
I have the same problem with my writing. One day I’ll have a brilliant idea for a novel and I want to write it, and the next day the idea has cooled off enough that I want to write something else.
Today I’m not going to just complain, though. Today, I’m going to lay out my New Year’s Resolution to change all this. I know it’s a little early, but I wanted to start early so that by January 1st, 2011 I’ll have a workable plan to accomplishing my goal.
So, my goal is to make habits of sticking with things through a.) to the end or b.) long enough to make it a permanent habit.
For my next post I’ll have a better idea of how I’m going to do that, so stay tuned.

P.S. I'm writing this using Windows Live Writer, which is the COOLEST blogging program ever invented. Just so you know.


Katy Marie said...

Good luck on your new plans! They sound like excellent goals. Perhaps I should give them a try as well...

Rabbit said...

Thanks Katy!

Lydia said...

hahahaha I love the title of this post. That is sOOOOO much like me...