So, I've been floundering for the last little while when it comes to my writing. I'm not in a writing group any more, so I don't have anyone cheering me on, or even telling me I can do better. I finally decided on Tuesday that I needed something, so I googled 'writing communities'. I checked out a couple that popped up, but nothing looked like it was what I was looking for, until I found the site called Protagonize. It had a cool layout, a great logo, and from what I read about it, it was exactly what I was looking for. A website where writers can get together and either write solo stories or collaborate with the rest of the website.
I signed up and immediately jumped in, posting something I had written that morning and introducing myself on the forum.
Ten minutes later I got a comment on my story. She, the girl who had read it, said that she really liked it and was pleased that I had almost perfect grammar. This made me feel all bubbly inside, and I was so pleased that posting more on the website as been the only thing on my mind since then.
I would definitely recommend this website to all you writers out there. If you already are a member, look me up under DHNoble.
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