First things first. Technically I don't have internet, but I'm 'borrowing' from one of my neighbors.
So what's happened to me so far is this. I've started working on rewriting my book again, and have had a lot of great ideas about it. The actual paperback copy is in the hands of my good friend Angela from work, then it's go to Sarah, then to Camille, the to who ever claims it next. So claim now!
I love living in my new apartment, it's always so quiet, except for whatever I'm listening to or watching, and it's so refreshing. I can seriously leave for work 15 minutes before work starts, instead of the 45 minutes I used to do. So far I haven't eaten any tv or microwavable dinners, which is really impressive for me. I am running out of recipes, but my mom's making me a book so I probably won't have too much of a problem.
My roommate has been in Texas since last Wednesday, and will probably return this weekend or sometime early next week. It's really nice having the apartment to myself, but I have found that while she's gone I'm up watching tv until at least 1, then read until after 2, and don't get up the next morning until at least noon. Not good for me. I'm trying to be better. Tonight I didn't even turn the tv on when I got home from work, but we'll see.
On actually rewriting my novel, I've learned a lot about my characters, what works and what doesn't, and am about halfway through the first chapter. It's actually exciting to see everything coming together better than how they were the first time around, and I really do see my book on the shelves of a bookstore or library someday. It's turning out to be a trilogy with a possible stand alone fourth book, which is exciting, and really unexpected. I was only ever planning on one book, but halfway through writing it a character who I wasn't expecting showed up and changed things in the first book, then revealed that he was something I had never expected and demanded a second book. And just the fact that he wanted a second book made the rest of the characters demand that I follow up with a third book to solve the overall conflict they all face.
So, I guess I'm stuck with three books.
My plan is to write the second one this coming November for NaNoWriMo, which I am proud to say I have got three people to think about doing with me from work. My really good friend Angela, my sort of manager Brian, and another friend, Sarah. It's always amazing to me how many creative people I'm friends with.
Speaking of creative people, I learned that not everyone has the same kind of vivid and exciting dreams I do. I know my friend Balgram does, as well as Cheez, so I had thought that everyone is the same.
Somehow dreams came up in the conversation with my friend Angela, and she asked me if I had vivid dreams. I told her I did, and she was very relieved, saying that she was glad that she wasn't the only one. I asked her about that, and she said that when ever she talked with her roommates about it, they always thought she was weird for having vivid dreams.
So it's my guess that vivid dreams are solely the 'gift' to creative people like me and my friends.
That was and interesting something to know.
My mind has gone a little blank as to what else to tell you, so I shall bid you all goodnight and promise to post again soon. (At least before the month is up.)
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