Sunday, November 23, 2008

A quick update

So Noble had some trouble last week.

Well, not really trouble per say, but she didn't write anything on Thursday or Friday, and fell a little bit behind.

Luckily, she wrote just over 3,000 words yesterday and plans of writing another 3,000 today so that she can catch up.

The reason she fell behind?


Yes, Noble went to see the midnight showing of Twilight.

Here's what happened.

Thursday she got up early and went to Institute, after which she wasted time on the Internet by playing Yahoo! games like Cake Mania, which is one of her favorite games.
Then she drove to work, where she was able to write about 400 words during the slow periods, but that was all.
Right after work, she went and picked up her friend, Cheez, and together they drove North to Salt Lake, intent on going to the theater.
They went to the theater near Noble's house and tried to get in, but the ticket taker said that the ticket that Noble had bought on Fandango didn't exist.
And so Noble took a closer look at the ticket and noticed that it was for the other theater of the same name, only several miles further North.
So they drove to the correct theater, where they got some seats close to the screen next to a pair of girls, one of which had the same phone as Noble and had the same name as Noble.
Then they watched the movie.
She doesn't want to say anything and give anything away to the people who still haven't see it, but she would like to say that it was AWESOME!
After that, which was just after 2 in the morning, they drove back to Cheez's house for the night, arriving around 3.
And Noble tells me she has never fallen asleep so fast before.
The next morning Noble took Cheez to school then drove home.
And her dad had fixed her laptop. Sort of. It wasn't finished, but it was close, and they watched Mission: Impossible 3 on it, another time waster, and Noble wrote only another couple hundred words before leaving for work.

So that's why Noble didn't write anything on Thursday or Friday.

In other news, Noble almost became a Mary Kay consultant.

And I have to go now, before Noble's brothers yell at me too much.

But I'm writing this from Noble's awesome new laptop!

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