Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Greatest Comeback Ever

You all know I'm totally head over heels for Korean culture, especially the music and the dramas. If you know me well enough, you can probably imagine how crazy excited I get over new music videos being released from my favorite artist (because they churn out way more than American singers do). Well, a K-Pop legend, Shinhwa (which actually means legend or myth in Korean) just came out with a fantastic new music video that I'm head over heels for.

What's so special about Shinhwa, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. They have been together as a group, unchanged, for 14 years. And they just made their comeback this week after a 4 year hiatus. Now, I didn't even know K-Pop existed 4 years ago, but I've read so much about them, and listened to my favorite Korean singers all say they look up to Shinhwa, and h.o.t., and other legendary bands that started the K-Pop wave, so I was absolutely ecstatic to get the chance to be around when they had their come back. Take a look here and see the awesomeness of Shinhwa!

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