Noble still hasn't gotten a chance to write letters home, but here's the latest update from her family. Names have been slightly tweaked.
Dear Family and Friends,
We finally heard from Noble, a phone call Friday night!!! She is doing well and sounded great. She is part of a Flight of 48 women, down from 50 due to 2 injuries; there are four Elements of 12 women each and she is an Element Leader. She has male Training Instructors, which was an answer to her prayers as she had heard that they are "easier", and not allowed to be in the dorm during showering and dressing time.
Noble said the food is great, but is not able to eat as much as she'd like because they are required to drink a glass of Gatorade before meals and she feels full of fluid. She has not fallen out of a run, but was placed in remedial physical training to get her up to speed on the push-ups and sit-ups. They run three days and do aerobics three days. She got to go to church on Sunday, after recruiting a volunteer to go with her as they have to have a "wingman." A senior missionary couple conducted the service and she really liked them. Noble reads her scriptures every night and said she spends about twenty minutes in prayer each night.
She reported that she has been yelled at only twice for minor things because she "really knows her stuff." She did prepare herself by memorizing the rank structure and chain of command before she went. She made a friend, but that girl was one of the ones who got injured so Noble is missing her.
She cried some as we talked, partly from homesickness, partly from relief at being able to hear our voices. She has received my letters but hasn't been allowed to read them. She said reading letters is a privilege that is given when all their work is done; but her Flight is slow as molasses and they haven't finished anything in time enough to be given that privilege. At least she knows I love her and am writing frequently.
Note from Balgram: Write her lots of postcards! I'm not sure where the letters are kept but she might get a glimpse of never know!
Mom, (Rosy Lass) is doing better each day. During the past year we were together all day almost everyday and we were best of friends. It has been so fun to have an adult daughter as my friend. I miss her terribly; but at the same time so glad she is gone and moving on with her life and having a great adventure and being blessed in so many ways. I have been so proud of her commitment to the gospel, her virtue, modesty and purity. I have every confidence that she will be a bright light that draws others to the gospel.
Thanks for all your prayers in our and her behalf,
Rosy Lass
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