In my never-ending search for new music to listen to (since I can’t listen to the radio) I have stumbled upon something really interesting.
I don’t remember how I found it because it was a long time ago, but there is a song on YouTube that is a really well done English translation of a (weird) Japanese Vocaloid song. From there, I discovered a Korean group called Girl’s Generation. And while I can’t understand the words, they are really catchy and fun to listen to. Then, I found the male equivalent, called Super Junior. Both groups are really fun to listen to, and they make me want to learn Korean.
The funny thing about these groups is they are really super groups. There are nine girls in Girl’s Generation, and thirteen (!) in Super Junior. You can’t find that large of a group in the US.
Tell me what you think. Would the US benefit by groups as large as these? Or did large bands go out with N*SNC and the Backstreet Boys? (Which of course where nowhere near as large as Girl’s Generation or Super Junior.)
American culture is all about "me" Korean culture is all about "us". Thus, I would say a group that size couldn't happen, or if it did, wouldn't last long, simply because every single member would do what is best for themselves as an individual. They could stay together as long as they were struggling, but as soon as they got signed, the greed would be unleashed. Fights would break out, contracts would be signed, sides would be taken, and before the first performance half the group wouldn't be on speaking terms with the other half.
Yeah, I think I'm inclined to agree.
I ALSO agree that these two bands have fun sounds. That was an interesting listen, thanks for posting it.
What an interesting thought. I hadn't thought of that before (at least not in those exact terms) and it makes me sad to realize that it's true. We are very selfish, as a people. This point has been raised on several blogs I follow in the last week or so, and there is a problem in my ward that is aggravating a lot of people because of this very problem. Among church members!
Thank you for your input, K.
And you are welcome, Balgram.
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