Sunday, July 27, 2008

Screaming into a Purple Pillow

I am never going to learn my lesson...

So my favorite TV show, Stargate: Atlantis, just started their 5th season. And I just got to watch the entire 4th season, which just came out on DVD. Not having a TV to watch what happens next cause it's only on the Sci Fi channel sucks...

Here's what happened. As soon as I knew that I had access to the 4th season, I started watching 4 episodes at a time when I got home from work. Meaning I was up until 2-3AM for almost a week. And I finished Friday night.

IT HAS THE WORST CLIFFHANGER ENDING I HAVE EVER SEEN! As soon as it was over, I screamed into my pillow until I thought I was going hoarse. I don't get to see anything else for a whole nother year!


Aside from the ending, I think that last episode was really amazing.

And in other news, my Mom now has a job. At a gas station. It's really weird having her actually working outside the home.... But we are going through some finantually rough times, and the family needs the money.

Talking about money, that sort of leads me into my next story.

I came home from work Friday night, having ridden the train and bus to work because I wanted to save what little gas I had left, and when I turned into the driveway, MY CAR WAS GONE. Normally I park right behind the family suburban, but instead of my car, there was a black chevy blazer.

I panicked. Had my dad traded my car in for a new one? What was I going to do? I tried to stay calm, and when I went inside the house, I dropped my stuff in my room before coming back out into the dining room to see if I could find dad.

He came walking out of his bedroom, a very solumn expression on his face. My heart fell. He had. Then he said, "I'm sorry," and I almost lost it. Before I started yelling at him, I asked him if he got my stuff out of the car first. I keep all of my CD's in the car.

He frowned, and said, "What stuff?" I swear, I almost started crying. More than a hundred dollars in CD's, not to mention my best way to get to work, all down the drain because my dad wanted a new car.

Then he broke out into laughter, all smiles.

"I got you!" He said, smiling.

I breathed a GIANT sigh of relief. I don't think I have ever been so scared in my entire life, and I know that sounds kind of dumb, about a car...

But it's MY car, and I like having a car. It makes my life a whole lot easier when it comes to getting around.

There is the problem of paying for gas... But I figure if I get all my hours at work, and don't spend too much on clothes and books and movies especially, then I should be okay. And if I use the bus pass I have more than the car, at least until it expires in September.

Tomorrow is my birthday, but today was my family party. There were 3 of my cousins, who were the closest in age to me, two of which go to school only 30 miles away, two of my aunts, one who lives next door, and my mom's cousin who lives in the big city up north. Oh, and an aunt and uncle who live an hours drive away.

I got two pairs of slippers, one that has jelly belly jelly beans on it that also came with flip flops, and a pair that are SOOO comfortable! I also got a wolf tee shirt from Yellowstone, some money, a new sunday outfit, a book I have been meaning to read, a binder of recipes, another tee shirt, this one pink and plain, a makeup bag full of, you guessed it, makeup, and I can't remember what else. All in all, I had a great birthday party.

My BIG birthday party isn't happening until August 9th, though I don't know what time yet. I will reiterate that Balgram and her social circle are invited and that Cheez is also. I am also inviting the young single adults in my stake, and possibly my cousins. I don't know. We will be playing kickball, with waterballoons. It's going to be a blast!

And I discovered a new TV show that is awesome. It's called The Invisible Man. You should look it up, it's really cool. I got it at the library. It swears a little excessively, but that's the only thing bad about it. There's not a whole lot of violence, the good guy is a really good guy, and there is nothing past a kiss, sometimes not even that. It's a very ironic show, and can be extremely funny at times.

I would recommend any one see it.

I think that's all for now!



Kaloni said...


Balgram said...

Woot woot, although DANG, I thought your party was this weekend. Hrm.

I don't get it. Where is your old car? What is up with the new car? What happened to the CDs?