Thursday, June 26, 2008

And now I'm pissed...

So, I'm buying my parents car. I think I said that before. Anyway, now I use it to get to work and cut about a hour and a half off my commute to work.
Tonight, I was driving home, minding my own business, when ahead of me, maybe five car lengths, I could see the car in front of me was going way slower than myself. I was using cruise control, and didn't want to turn it off, so as I got closer, I got ready to change lanes and pass the super slow car. But as I turned on my signal and looked to the left, the car that had been ahead of me on that side was slowing down a whole ton. So I looked to the other side and the same thing! By this time I was really close the the car in front and had to slam on my breaks in order to not hit the vehicle.
THEN EVERYONE SPED UP AGAIN LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED! It was like they had slowed down on purpose, with no reason other than to bug me! There was no accident ahead, no blocked up traffic, less than thirty seconds after I had to slow down from 65mph to 30mph, it was clear again!
It doesn't even make sense!
I was pissed off the rest of the drive home and no amount of soothing music could calm my anger...

I just had to write that one down...

The rest of the stuff I have collected since the last post will come tomorrow, I think. Maybe later.


Balgram said...

Sounds like you got hit by a Mexican road block or an annoying coincidence.

Welcome to driving.

Kaloni said...

man people are so stupid!