Monday, June 25, 2012

I've Moved!

For those of you who still sort of follow me, you know, when I manage to post something, I've moved my location. I've switched over to Wordpress. After using Wordpress for Hallyu Holla, I decided I liked it better, so I've moved over there. Plus, there is a Wordpress app I can use, and not a Blogger one.

Anyway, I will be posting there from now on. All the old posts are there as well, so if you want to re-read something (don't know why you would want to...) you can.

Just go to And don't forget to change your bookmarks!

Also, I created this little picture, which you can use as a button/website link on your own website, if you so desire.

Remember, don't forget to change your bookmarks!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Oh how I want to write again

And not just write stories, I wish I had time to keep up with my blog again. Wouldn't that be nice? Maybe with my new toy it'll be easier...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ranting Rampage of Rage and Annoyance

(Another post for you readers, even after I said I wouldn't for a while... Hmm, something must be up)

I don't even remember how I stumbled upon the first video, but I today I discovered a type of religious misinformation, bigotry, and just plain retarded line of thought that I hadn't known existed. Now, I'll freely admit that I'm not the most religious person out there. Sometimes I forget to say my morning and evening prayers, and sometimes I'm just too busy or tired to read my scriptures. Sometimes I feel like I've become overly adjusted to the dirty way the people in my class talk, but to be honest, I just tune it out or turn my music on.

But that's not the point. While I still have a very VERY long way to go before I'm a perfect person, I am at least confident in the knowledge that I know the truth, and that I am on the right path. So when I stumble upon videos like this, normally I just laugh and turn them off, since I have no real interest in seeing how far people can get from the truth.

But this time, the videos hit a very sensitive nerve and just watching them had me tugging my hair in frustrated confusion as to how people could ever reach the ridiculous conclusions they were coming up with.

Pipe Dreams

Remember back when I posted about something called Animusic and how cool it was? (If you can't remember, read it here) Well, today during a break in class I was in the mood for something like it, so I typed in Animusic in youtube and found this:

This was just too cool for me NOT to post. So, here you go.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Well, oops.

I kind of haven't posted in a while. And I won't again for a while either. Sorry everyone. My life just is either too boring, too busy, or too secret to have anything to say on my blog. When I'm not drowning anymore I'll try posting again. Until then, you can still visit to see my tweets.