Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Random news

Due to some unfortunate events last friday night, things have been less than cheery here in cloudy/sunny California. And it's very unfortunate. A small handful of people made some poor choices that are now effecting everyone in my squadron. I'm not going to reveal anything, because that's against OPSEC, but I am going to say from Saturday evening until Monday night, I was miserable. It was bad enough that it made me want to go back to my sheltered life at home, and nothing else so far as made me really want to go home.

Thankfully, I've gotten over that little spell. Now I'm just studying my butt off for my test next Wednesday, and getting ready for NaNoWriMo to happen, hoping that I'll be able to somehow make it through November with my sanity intact, my grades still high enough to stay out of seventh hour class, and at least half of a novel completed (50,000 words is about half of any of my stories.)

Also, I've started writig lyrics in Korean for a video contest next year. I'm going to be making a music video with my best friend, who also wants to write songs in Korean. It'll be tough, but I think I can do it. My teachers are really encouraging.

1 comment:

Rozy Lass said...

I wish I could get rid of my butt by studying! Please take good care of your health. . .you don't want to complete NaNoWriMo only to find that you've been dropped from DLI. Saranghae and good luck.