So, I'm back. I am no longer in basic military training, and I now have access to a computer with internet. Special thanks goes to Balgram for updating my blog for me. I'm glad I didn't have to worry about it, because I had enough to worry about while I was in Texas.
As Balgram said, I did get Korean. Yeah! And, I started class last Thursday, so I'm kind of on the fast track. My projected graduation date is late October 2012. I have a long ways to go, but since I learned the alphabet and pronounciation before even leaving home, I'm a bit ahead of everyone else. I mean, there are some people who know words and can speak a little bit, but most of the 30 people in my class can't pronounce worth beans. Reading the alphabet is pretty easy, since it's an alphabet and not a ton of characters, but most of the other students don't know all the special little rules that make 'thank you' gamsahamnida and not gamsahabnida.
Anyway, this is just a quick note to let you know I'm all alive and well in overcast California. I'll post a more detailed post about how BMT went in the next week or so, once I've had a chance to sit down and write about what I experienced.